Friday, April 18, 2014

Smiles and colors

   3d systems is hosting another webinar. I am expecting a large technical data dump complete with graphs and timelines. All dynamic information is open to interpretation in these circumstances. It often times falls to the audience to interpret and find out what we can use and leave behind.

   We have spoken about 3d printing body parts whether it be for rehearsal or replacement. As 3d-systems most likely will point out. Color will provide a variety of new uses. Humans all realize that a nice smile is often a key to persuasion and charisma. So why not start here? The 3z Lab Printer that is now sold can replicate teeth to create molds for crowns and bridges with a wax like material. The company pioneering it Live Wire in my backyard of northeast Ohio has been printing dental models since October. Hopefully, I will find out more about this company and create a connection in the future.

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