Thursday, August 7, 2014

Catered engineering

     Making sure that 3d printing is the solution not a round about way to address an existing problem. It is a theoretical and typical to grab our new tools and make sure they fit. Ignoring hammer, duct tape and PVC pipe that could work just as well. In the information age we can build so much in our heads that is knowledge based that we produce nothing. To the outside world it looks like we are scared and hesitant but we want what we produce to be representative of our taste That is a design engineer dilemma. It can't be so cookie cutter to be easily replicated but cannot be so complicated that is use cannot be built upon or considered exotic.

   I strongly believe in the iterative process of design if you haven't noticed. Most engineering feats are battle born scientists are paid for the precise laws we as engineer's obey them. We solve problems by discussion hopefully with those that have expertise in the systems we are attacking and we are only isolating for calculations. Community within a working system is how we thrive ultimately so when improving processes, machines and structures I believe this how we should exist.

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