Saturday, December 13, 2014

Inception 2014-2015

    Speeches down through history have been catalysts for growth, change and power. Words have the power to motivate to action or retraction for value or distraction. The three major jumps in technology that we will see in 2014-2015 are drones, 3d printing and VR. I attempted to check out Samsung's new headset but it was not available in stores, but could be ordered. It is first generation so there is a growth opportunity and it is also the little brother of Oculus Rift (the kickstarter sweetheart). Applications are movies and videogames so far. But how about recent history with the 24 hour news cycle we don't often get the chance to isolate dwell and digest on moments of significance. Because everyone is standing still and focused on one point this seems the easiest to reproduce both digitally and physically. Drones provide the scans with participants permissions and then video is compressed to allow the viewer to actually be in the audience or (even on stage for the speech) capturing and deciding on their own emotions and interactions with others and then it is reproduced as a scalable setting when finished. Heightening the already dramatic effect of the speeches.

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