Monday, March 31, 2014

Droning on and on

   In the United States we cannot get enough of drones. Whether it's imagining them delivering our packages, negating enemies without risking our lives or capturing live news footage before it can be tweeted. Where there are things that fly, there are people that want to shoot them down. The last post I did my best to illustrate how 3d printing could conquer water (especially in emergency situations). Now we will attempt air with the concept of 3d printed disposable drones. With air travel more variables and calculations result in a larger margin of error. So an inexpensive alternative especially for conditions where pilots would not risk life, limb or their precious equipment these drones could possibly do the job. In current news you could have another co-pilot on the ground trailing the plane negating losing track of plane as in the Malaysia situation and also providing an exterior black box and emergency response unit. The teams that have developed these drones are from Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC) at the University of Sheffield in Great Britain. The drone is 5 foot wide and consists of nine parts using a technique called fused deposit modeling.w Once again the applications during emergency when we want to focus efforts and lessen damage these drones seem like a very favorable option

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