Monday, March 10, 2014

Punk + Culture

    This admission might surprise but I am not very punk. My sensibilities have never leaned that way. Do I have some lifelong punk friends? Sure. But the sensibilities have never been up my alley. Personalities of engineers do not usually lean this way, save the NASA mohawk guy. We definitely emphasize function over form and that means we can iterate till our hearts content. But when it comes to unique priceless peices we are always looking to estimate and satisfy contracts. Ikea designer, Bjorn Kusoffsky says 3d printing to will unleash a new punk design movement. The closest technical bridge are Architects and we know they fully adopted 3d printing. He also mentions the fact that 3-d studios exist where designers don't even have to own the 3-d printer in order to produce.

 We are moving from punk to cultured. There  is a documentary recently released at South by Southwest on the subject of 3d printing named Print the Legend. I hope to get a copy for review but until then the synopsis begins with the 3d printed gun and interviews from Cody Wilson to Bre Pettis, CEO of Makerbot. There are remarks as this being an attempt to control the narrative for controversial ideas surrounding 3d printing. The Austin Chronicle doesn't seem to be favorable towards the movie. But let's withold judgement until we get it in our hands.

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