Friday, March 21, 2014

Webinars and Synergy

    3d systems has invited me to another one of their webinars announcing new products. September was the last time that I attended one of these events and it should be a return to a more corporate form after South by Southwest. I expect the peace and love marketing of south by Southwest is eschewed because a new participant has entered the arena. HP happens to be from a more formal field of printing and with the movement being nearly complete from paper to digital this is a logical step. Others have partnered with big box stores or even innovators in 3d printing. So how will this challenge be met? It certainly put many stockholders on notice. With the announcement from HP stocks from traditional frontiers took a tumble. This webinar should provide some answers because R&D from Stratysys and 3d systems should still be ahead of HP. I will be happy to report the events on March 27.

      Also next week I would like to explore the concept of the virtual workspace and possible manufacturing centers that may be able to glue brick and mortar stores as well as brands closer together. Basically, through interoperability I would like to see tech tends become a movement where commercial drones, virtual reality and 3d printing unify manufacturing production and commercial centers. My hope is that consumers will be more involved in decision making and have greater power behind their purchasing dollars. I will be sure to explore the bridges necessary next week.

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