Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Generic adaptation

    Many items are built for the generic human. Where design considerations are made for something that is constant. Unfortunately, time and circumstance are something that is fluid affects us all. So our needs change but the items that we purchased don't. As creatures of biology and habit 3-d printers should be a viable solution for modifying existing problems for long term use. The now established consumer culture could finally be changed which I think is the ideal goal of the maker movement.

   3-d printing is also looking at going aerial to be able to remotely be able to print remotely. I mentioned one of this possibility earlier. However, now it looks like the ability is becoming a reality and being transferred to drones. I still have more investigation to do as how stabilization for building and monitoring will continue. My background is construction management means that it could be okay for specialized tasks and safety. I will definitely be providing updates as this progresses.

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