Monday, November 9, 2015

Bike Road review

  Good morning, I have began to actually follow bike blogs and take notes on road conditions. It's easy to have a google maps overlay or continue the experience or thrill of trail riding before you go out yourself and budget for a trail bike. I have also decided to use a new way to do road reviews which is youtube. I know this is a google location site so it would figure, but many of the treacherous road conditions that both cyclists and in worse road conditions would face is reviewable as well as comments could be added to produce a more preferrable trip to the public. Your bicycle club or car pool could have information that travels could exchange volatile and valuable information that could help their families alike. Someone might also notice a fix that your bicycle need during road conditions that could stop you from being  stranded. It could also be an activity for the stay at home parent that wants that extra sense of security.

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