Monday, September 8, 2014

Summation of Education

Stem aid in Ohio there is a competition that Ohio students can win that should stay in our wheel house. I can identify because with my AP physics class and through study, luck a strong academic challenge team we all received scholarships to the U of A. I was the only one who took advantage although 3 or 4 of us went into STEM careers and more majored. This was the right type of stimulus for me and I also believe that this provided leverage for institutions to give me insight on why I should continue when employers feel like you have earned something they tend to think you also want to earn your career. Which is why I'm putting together an online curriculum for the fall and investigating finishing either an associates or certificate in paralegal studies that will hopefully help with corralling my corner of the 3d printing industry while continuing my work as a consultant and entering and hopefully winning a start up competition.

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