Monday, September 22, 2014

The prism of the minds eye

How do you keep up the entrepreneurial spirit? For me I'm a grinder I know barring extenuating circumstances give me a goal or a milestone and I will take steps towards it if I saw the Eiffel tower or in my case the terminal tower, and if you told me to walk towards it because a valuable commodity to me was there. I'm going I'll sketch out a plan problem solve on the fly and get there. Decision making is a crucial part    of the entrepreneurial campaign. Corporations have boards and stockholders that govern. But you are your own sovereign state so no glass ceiling, the sky's the limit. You have plausible deniability because you own those sleeplessness nights, where doubt live and progress slows. So my solution is by plane, train or automobile you make it and show along after otherwise how can a dreamer be so focused?

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