Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Yin and Yang

   Let’s talk about weaknesses we can turn into strengths. For all the star gazing allowances people make for us to explore uncharted areas we have to distill our ideas for the publics consumption because most investors are not looking to involve themselves in a concept so involved that it fizzles out. As the authors we want room for growth and flexibility sometimes the worst nightmare for a startup is to have their name placed on a warped viewpoint of their vision and have to use that as a foundation. Next comes the pitch where we find an audience that wants to move forward with us and we take them on our journey. As an engineer when I was younger I found it difficult to paint a pretty picture. Because I knew of inherent problems that were present that would not stop me but that I didn’t know ere insurmountable obstacles to others. To me it became a coping skill. I got used to it not being my way or the highway and still keeping focus. Where this does become a problem is on follow-up. Where you have the entire map in front of you, on a follow-up they just want to drop a pin for GPS addressing this problem. Is where the art of business is plied.

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