Monday, February 3, 2014

Additive Manufacturing

    The second additive manufacturing center in the country has opened up in Youngstown. All levels of higher education will be supported. Undergrad, graduate and PHD and also workforce development. I think many engineers could benefit from workforce development with at least the added skill of rapid prototyping could you imagine the industrial push forward that the economy could benefit from these classes? The White House certainly does as they announced that they are hosting their first Maker Faire. So they are really backing up the forum they created at the State of the Union.

    Popular Mechanics also decided to write about the CEO of AutoDesk in it's February issue. I have used Autocad since 1991 and have really grown with the ecosystem every command line shortcut, necessary upgrade and liscence seat conflict has ledmus to this point. It turns out that he is anhuge Maker himself. Most of the interview was done feom his workshop. Equipment was listed, squaee footage was bandied about, and his latest projects were discussed. The future of Autodesk as he foresees it seems to be less regulated and built upon industries they already have a foothold in.

    Cnet also entered into twitter this weekend a tweet that I immediately had to respond to. They took the story of the ugly duckling and the 3d printer and ran with it as a limiting factor or ceiling in 3d printing. I responded to the tweet and added stratsys and my favorite news update 3d print girl and waited to see what happened. Because clearly the limits of 2014 should not come from a story that I also wrote about in August of 2013.

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