Wednesday, February 19, 2014

More than an uphill climb

 The uphill climb digitally will be much different than the digital realm. That is where 3d printing has its advantages and disadvantages. Because the market lies in both so it must be represented in both. It is definitely of interest to brick and mortar stores as the physical presence of stores is waning what with Amazon delivering all of our packages via drone soon and rendering the Post Office obsolete. Almost twenty ears to the date I submitted my first form of long form technical writing. It was on the oncoming revolution of Virtual Reality. It was of great interest to 14 year olds at the time as was Nirvana and Wu-tang but summers came and went and just now we are seeing glimpses of its fruition. I may dig through the archives and post the paper (it is it's anniversary after all) and see if the information and buzz equal 3d printing. I was not as polished then, nor did I have the vast resources of the internet at my fingertips but I think it provides a decent picture of the first taste I got of the wow factor. There was no digital realm to speak of but from what I remember the technologies should piggy back off one another now. The store fronts that cannot display 3d printed items could be mimicked using the Oculus Rift. On the other hand the virtual items that the Oculus Rift displays from videogames and movies could be brought to a smaller scale or life size using a 3d printer.

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