Monday, February 17, 2014

Nature plus

    So we have heard about the duck prosthetic. Cheap, efficient and a technical marvel that was adopted by wildlife. People care about nature, but as a guideline they really care about their pets. We may not be ready for 3-d printing to enter the emergency room. However, we should at least be ready for the incremental step of allowing it for medical treatment of our pets. Health insurance for pets is not common practice so I feel like the more effective viable options the better. Just as we were quickly able to socially allow the cloning of animals. We should be able to repair the horses broken leg that would have met a much darker fate. I had a cat that got its leg broken by an automobile. It took six months of basic isolation and a pretty sizeable cast before the cat recovered. Wouldn't it have been easier and better for rehabilitation if a habitat were printed conducive to the injury received and a cast that was much lighter and natural for the feline. I just wanted to take the general story a little bit farther forward for natural benefits of additive manufacturing.

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