Friday, February 28, 2014

Applying an education

   I am arming myself through market research and market behavior. Both of these are very important when a market establishment is occurring. One is a tool best utilized before and one should be prioritized after because it is more reactionary. Predicting the nature of one's business and the industry as a whole puts one who educates himself in the driver's seat. We all know that an industry driver is one step above and industry leader.

  Market  impact could yield short, medium and long term impacts. Geographical focus areas can be outlined including core capabilities can quickly be identified. How did I find technical jargon to fit the predictors. Well, I discovered these sites through Lifehacker. The two sites I have decided to utilize are Accelerator U from Canada which is geared toward entrepreneurs and EDx which aggregates various Ivy league schools and offers 12 weeks of online education in a variety of subjects. Feel free to investigate  EDx and we can possibly further our exchanges via Google Plus.

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