Monday, February 10, 2014

Sci-fi today

    So today we are going to try to go with the future of 3d printing and then ground ourselves back in reality again. Many times science fiction is an impetus for real world technology. I must admit I am a huge sci-fi fan and many of the books that I read when I was young and still read down to this day have come true. Food replicators that create food out of thin air are in it's current iteration of 3d printers.  Just like on the Enterprise lack of resources meant that this was necessary, NASA is also looking at using 3d printers to expand the menu of future space travelers. The pharmaceutical industry could also use an overhaul as many trials, studies, and test subjects could give way to specially designed medications that could save lives and expand the human standard for well being. I gathered this tonight from a show called Almost Human. I do not know how long it will be on the air, but it's take on the future is intriguing.
   We now have to move to grounding the industry once again. 3d printing needs  strong relationships with manufacturers. As the projections are for 1 billion in revenue by the end of 2016 integration and implementation partners are necessary. This would avoid Chinese sourcing, which is currently the dirge of the US economy and could provide the means for us to decrease the US debt. It could also take global economy and all it's headaches and shrink them locally again. Thereby avoiding tariffs, taxes and NAFTA agreements. These are grounded solutions to problems facing the industry today, let's hope they work.

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