Monday, April 16, 2018


       If anyone happens to stumble across this post. I have been posting in podcast form over on Anchor. I haven't completely abandoned this format. I will be back soon. I just had the time in the off season to move forward a little bit further in my expression in that area as far as an audio format. Also it's mostly about alternative forms of transportation. But if you know me, I did sprinkle 3d printing into it. I even bought one of my own  this Spring. I also have a 3d scanner (attached to my Sony Xperia Z). I haven't got them to work together yet for a mobile printing solution but hopefully by the end of the summer I will be able to deliver this solution.

    I went to a meetup for Bounce a new start-up hub in the city of Akron. They will have some 3d printers there. I asked whether they would have programming since, I felt it was lacking at the Akron Public library down the street. They said would investigate so hopefully a larger community can grow out of it. Twitter is where I keep up with most of the news in the arena. I try to retweet what may interest me the blogger and you my audience or friends and hopefully it fits a loose storyline if you follow my twitter time line and mesh it with my blog posts. Cross-referencing may take some time but it should be worth it.