Saturday, May 31, 2014

Power in a new industry

   What is power in a new industry? When you can take a section that everyone thought was dead and bring it back to life. Radioshack has long been a staple of maker culture but has allowed staples to take the lead in 3d printing as an industry crossing over to the big box stores. A large number of radioshack stores are closing down because they are mom and pop franchises that did not communicate up the food chain to be ready to compete.

   When I was growing up I looked at Radioshack as a type of electronic hobby shop. Then I glanced at the circulars and saw them transform to a cell phone store. 3d printing is that cromagnon link for hobbyists and retail. This should definitely appeal to the typical radioshack consumer that has stayed loyal over the past 30 years.

   The second half of 3d printing was a tinkerer's dream. It was all about modifying adjusting and optimizing your machine for the best performance you could receive. Less visionary and more interactive but an excellent reference for those looking to make the jump.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Meet me half way?

    So I have decided to do a half-way review of the book 3-d printing for dummies. Why you may ask? I do not want to feel vindicated but the books point of view and mine are pretty asynchronous. I am excited to point anyone who likes my perspective even a little bit toward this book. Hopefully, as I continue to post my vision and additive manufacturing vision become more succinct a true picture will appear. The industry and I have the advantage of navigating with the passage of time. But 3-d printing for dummies provides a clear window from March backwards. So if you would like to mark this post and picck up reading my blog from this point forward, welcome. But make sure to pick up the book first. The next post will be a more technical review please follow along.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Extreme history

   I have detailed extreme cases in emergencies where I hope 3d printing ways in heavily saving lives and preventing situations that could quickly spin out of control crippling even the most able of hazard response units. There is another important hurdle we often overlook when dealing with immediate danger.  What in our past dealing have we set in place could compound the problem and is there anyway to nip that in the bud passively. Many parts that could be used to fix older hazards are out of stock and could not easily be replicated with todays machinery. The missing parts could Once again 3d printers could be used to sure up foundations.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Visual and Oratory Exposure

    My first book review will be appearing within the next two weeks. I am very interested in sharing material that we can use to help others to grasp concepts that initially seem to baffle or at least deter the masses from adoption. So I chose the for dummies series to hopefully apply these points. These are fairly priced and have covered a large range of topics in the past, and also are reasonably priced. So if brought up in casual conversation it's not likely to be met with a dirth of confused looks.

   However, on the oratory slant I gave my first speech on 3-d printing on Tuesday. I was a guest of toastmasters and was asked to give an extemporaneous speech on a topic I would like to teach. Of course, I chose 3-d printing and the cusp of a second industrial revolution. I didn't win a ribbon for the speech (this time) But I did get a chance to gauge an audience that were not expecting to have this topic brought to their doorstep. Hopefully, this and continued exposure will lead to more effective interaction and communication.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

More health care advancements

    Prosthetics and biomedical engineering were focused on stronger, better, faster which can make aid available through a combination of pneumatics and 3-d printing. The firrst hand was produced at a superior function with a significant savings. The prosthetic leg is now the next goal the industry has accomplished. For third world  and Battlefield medics it could be revolutionary. As the new solution is less expensive and highly deployable.

   Biomimcry and 3-d printing are not often mentioned in the same breath but goes hand in hand. Getting closer to nature and thereby nature which extending and augmenting should be it's over all goal in optimization sharkskin 3-d printed suits will be a part of the optimization that we can achieve shark scales can be like chain mail which takes a meticulous procedure and translates them to realistic ideas.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Living health museum

    3d brain scans a la Iron Man 3 or on their way which with hopefully growing detail could help freeze time for stories of the most complicated organ and makes it easier to treat complicated organ and makes it easier to treat complicated diseases and have the ability to perform autopsies without disturbing the deceased and their families. Thereby allowing a less invasive treatment and research when 3d printing gains resolutions the idea of progressive surgeries could be performed with increasing success rates and letting people create a health museum frozen in time that tracks health history without sacrificing privacy. This would also let solutions be able to be projected and trends more easily analyzed.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Biology aided printing

    3-D Printed foam delivery system. I get excited about advancements especially those that save human lives. This takes foundation building variables and provides band aids to areas that may heal the Earth. Temperature controlled foam could alleviate floods and stop wild fires without contamination to the surrounding areas. Oil spills could quickly be contained. Even Barrier reefs could be repaired thereby helping ecologically and definitely saving personel for the best allocation when resources are stretched thin and you are not worried about your job and livelihood but the lives of others.

   Another medical break through leads to an advance in kidney dialysis. 3-d printed tissue has led to an option for dialysis patients and those with kidney disease to avoid the mechanical failure and instead help rid of toxins, animal stings and bacterial infections. These would be external considered an external biological solution to a common human problem.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Conscious of history

  There is something creeping into the consciousness of the Amerixan public.I think we can calmly call it a  feeling of de ja vouz. This is rare because from a market standpoint rhe public is often deemed nor ro have a memory more like a trend and cycle.  Love affair with 3d is not new as far as represented visuals go. Many remember days of 3d glasses (red and blue). Many companies tried to build it glasses free into flat screen televisions but the buying public simply wasnt biting. This was a major effort to include 3d as a standard feature. So does the public quickly equate these as somehow equivalent even though they are worlds apart?
Actual applications that benefit soxiety beyond entertainment should definitely differentiate. But what else can the Maker community do?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Remote construction for emergencies

    I am excited to report that I will soon be able to provide more detail on the possibly burgeoning remote construction and emergency response industry. I do have a degree in civil engineering and for all the specifications required for variables required to build sound structures. The possibilities are there and developing hopefully removing people out of harmful situations and becoming better for the environment as a whole. I still think with the climate change argument we should look at exploring underwater construction. I am not saying I think we should build Atlantis yet. But I think barriers that could prevent more life and land loss in the near future and be able to engineer a more easier to predict change. Hopefully, with the course I am currently taking in bioethics combined with the additional course on drones I can move the narrative forward to make this happen.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Generic adaptation

    Many items are built for the generic human. Where design considerations are made for something that is constant. Unfortunately, time and circumstance are something that is fluid affects us all. So our needs change but the items that we purchased don't. As creatures of biology and habit 3-d printers should be a viable solution for modifying existing problems for long term use. The now established consumer culture could finally be changed which I think is the ideal goal of the maker movement.

   3-d printing is also looking at going aerial to be able to remotely be able to print remotely. I mentioned one of this possibility earlier. However, now it looks like the ability is becoming a reality and being transferred to drones. I still have more investigation to do as how stabilization for building and monitoring will continue. My background is construction management means that it could be okay for specialized tasks and safety. I will definitely be providing updates as this progresses.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Corrections and Realities

    Okay as my first audit is almost over. It also is coinciding with forecasts regarding 3d printing some more aggressive stock jumps are now correcting themselves which definitely provides a more realistic picture and takes us away from the tech bubble area that I mentioned we were rapidly approaching . It definitely is a cliff world changing technology based on should avoid as it serves to legitimize in industries where other competitive companies have a head start. Angel investors will not keep paying attention to an innovation that continually disappoints. Finally, letting excellence truly shine.

Friday, May 2, 2014

A respit for reflection

    This blog is here to direct, explain and anticipate. There has been a slow down in the traction of applying 3-D printing applications. I therefore am taking a little time to hopefully improve the way I deliver information Please feel free to use the comments below to mention and make it easier to consume. Please feel free to use the comments below to mention some items you would like to see clarified or in further detail. I am also looking for enthusiastic individuals to guest post. I am not looking for just anyone but the best of the best. This is the post that when you decide to reply that you leave your information. Proof reading is underway and it won't change the writing style.