Saturday, December 27, 2014

Exo interface

      I've decided to incorporate a new facet to my blog as I am not considered a noteworthy expert on applications of 3d printing yet I will try to introduce you to other experts in related fields. I am going to try to do this through Ted talks Hugh Herr is one of the foremost experts in the field of bionic limbs and robotic prosthetics that lost both legs in a climbing accident and discusses different facets of biomechanics including why humans have not been able to get the original mechanical extensions of ourselves (shoes) correct.

   Exoskeletons and augmented reality a represent a combined effort for monitoring remote operations. When I brought this idea up over the holidays I first had to explain what an exoskeleton is. In it's best application right now 3d printing can be used to make prosthetics look more life like while maintaining and augmenting their function. At it's best we have applications like in Aliens or where suits are used to make harsh conditions more liveable and perform work where others could not perform work or conditions are more dangerous. 3d printers would be the factories while humans with exoskeletons would do the work. Drones perform these duties now while but are not connected to humans these interfaces are what will drive innovation.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Lost in Alice in Wonderland

  I am planning my first field trip down to guess where? If you read my previous post you may have already guessed it. A weekend in the wild wonderful west virginia, hopefully I will be able to provide first hand accounts as to the potential of the area to be a 3d printing hub. So Henry David Thoreaux needs to watch out has unearth my roots to see how stable they are. Hopefully, I come out with some new connections insights and a few home cooked meals to boot!

  Outside of your normal potholes sink holes are also a common problem to pedestrians, motorists and cyclists. These spread very quickly during freeze thaw actions and also need to be documented as they can reach enormous proportions. with 3d scanning these changes could be documented and anticipated. Although the scale often is to big to print a solution it can be scaled down and multiple options can be fitted from there. It is always much easier to solve a scalable problem than to wait until it gets out of hand. I say this because I former project I worked on in Shaker Heights is now under attack by a sink hole. I know that soil reports can help forecast a response but this is a fluid situation around live rail lines so what is the classical response compared to a more innovative controlled one?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A new region is trying to attract attention

   Charleston WV, I know more about the city than most. The majority of my family comes from the area and I know the socio-economics that come from chemical plants and few highly paid specialized positions create a vacuum that create a vacuum that is hard to recover from. I have been working on and off again on a solution and was wary when I did not embrace my second home's ability to adopt a new technical landscape. 3d printing could be supported and could connect a region that was once limited and release the full potential of the region.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Inception 2014-2015

    Speeches down through history have been catalysts for growth, change and power. Words have the power to motivate to action or retraction for value or distraction. The three major jumps in technology that we will see in 2014-2015 are drones, 3d printing and VR. I attempted to check out Samsung's new headset but it was not available in stores, but could be ordered. It is first generation so there is a growth opportunity and it is also the little brother of Oculus Rift (the kickstarter sweetheart). Applications are movies and videogames so far. But how about recent history with the 24 hour news cycle we don't often get the chance to isolate dwell and digest on moments of significance. Because everyone is standing still and focused on one point this seems the easiest to reproduce both digitally and physically. Drones provide the scans with participants permissions and then video is compressed to allow the viewer to actually be in the audience or (even on stage for the speech) capturing and deciding on their own emotions and interactions with others and then it is reproduced as a scalable setting when finished. Heightening the already dramatic effect of the speeches.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Chains and things

3d printed bikes make perfect sense. Before I got my most recent bike I was 34 and used to expressing my style through exploration and was only limited by funds. Most bikes looked the same and I wanted something that expressed my personality. If I can have my pick of a body or type of car why can't I do the same for an alternate mode of transportation? I could have my bike match my car or a team logo. Isn't it possible to successfully print an entire bicylce that works well all the time. Ridability function and the ability to repair if something went wrong (although you could just print a new part) So fart the frame front fork bearing and suspension. But can also be customized for any body size so we won't have a Shaquille in a buick situation!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Stretching our conscious

I admit I am kind of scared of artificial intelligence. It can be source of exploration and discovery of ourselves and our micro and macro universe. How does this involve and utilize 3d printing Well we have to give commands through something as small as an arduino processor. What if this method could be adapted to interpolate variables that could enable on the fly repairs and responses? We would be able to build with greater safety, accuracy and use more expensive material while defending more precious cargo. Do the dangers of skynet balance against the future of problem solving There will always be new problems let's hope we are not one of them.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Kitchen counter

Food printers will hopefully move forward over the next couple of years. My brother is a huge foodie and constantly watches the food network religiously. I wouldn't classify myself as the same we can all cook but none of us are chefs per se. It is definitely something that as I get older and more grey headed I hopefully will become better at.  But instagram has exposed what was sitting between a party of people on white linen and has gained a cult like following. Before taste was a key part of the experience along w/ presentation. Creating a custom visual that sets your recipe and restaurant from the rest around the world and having this result be reproducible is very important. I hope that with the rise of mixology 3d printers will be sitting in a kitchen right next to the line cook in kitchens around the world.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Shallow end of the pool

I'm dipping my foot back into a previous venture and they are excited to work with me again. I am trying to get better and stretch the limits of working remotely as well as R&D for engineers we do so much work based off of principles that when we start an iterative process from scratch we like our projects to be billable and not guesses. But when we pull from so many areas and stitch and craft. What are we to do? Let's brave forward through the principles of NASA for assistance.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

TWI and games

    T.W.I. Weatherford is still on the job with a facility in Canal place. I exchanged e-mails with Aaron Spicer who is setting it up they are busy the location will be in downtown Akron I am a huge supporter of this project because it will be near my friends at Tiny Circuits, The Bike Center (my new friends) and my school (alma mater university of Akron.) So it is very encouraging for me and the future of the industry in the area to see this be completed by the beginning of the year.

   Ohio is teaching game design with 3d at the primetime for kids to design their own games. Now it can jump into a physical form for more permenance for kids in the future. As we all know 7 year olds attention does not last a long time, but that does not mean they cannot create something that kids afterward that they can pick up and enjoy.

Friday, October 31, 2014

3d palooza and Autodesk

Autodesk 100 million dollars through project Spark Investment Fund the money's out there let's innovate. That was a shot in the arm that caught my eye. It distracted me from the second part of the 3d palooza which was live streaming and moved from Faro which was attempting to pioneer laser scanning with applications in architecture and engineering and surveying. Next they moved on to a company using an Nvidia shield as a hand held scanner. It can be found at the scans take less than a minute the files are also small at 5 or 6 mb and the equipment itself is very portable. The price point is set at 5k . This create an application that I am very invested in as far as being a portable solution for scanning potholes.  There was another company at and should specialize in re-organizing industrial floor plans.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Geek Beat 3d palooza

  The first part of geek beat. tv included a demo of a drone that could input navigation way points and fly that route while announcing battery points and then landing in its original location. All with the pilot ( who was a novice on the ground. The cost for the drone came in at a reasonable price of $750 of course I would learn on a mini-drone and step my way up as a pilot. But this definitely increases the versatility while decreasing the learning curve. Next the gentlemen from Autodesk arrived and showed off their rendering software showcasing Han Solo in his carbonite casing. Most of the applications were for rendering virtual environments but they are an offshoot of AutoCad so we will see how it translates.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Effort and investigation

    I am starting to do research on what I missed out on at the mini-maker faire luckily an associate of mine Ken Burns of Tiny Circuits, was one of the featured speakers. So, there's a good chance I could swing by his office and get comments and view points of what was the good and future of the event as this was the second.

   Sunday, I will try.. try to watch Geek Beats event on youtube on 3d. There is at least 6 hrs. of viewing so I would like to do a post a week for the next 4 weeks so if anything interests you as a reader.You have the opportunity to scrub through and find what you like.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Round 3... Fight!

   The next round of funding in the Akron-Cleveland area will soon be but there announced In Northeast Ohio we are a fan of the arts but there is no pilot season. Finally, sticking our heads up out of our proverbial blue collars and not (quite) attracting the attention  angel investors we get grades on our regions ingenuity How will we grade out will there be a groupon that takes the world by storm. It  has to be more than an app (more) dynamic.I am not saying I'm campaigning for me but I did submit.

  Best Buy will also be opening 500 stations for 3d printing projects I called my local best buy and for as helpful as they tried to be there was nothing they could add to the story at this time. I also wanted to report on the mini maker faire in Akron first person but I was out sick unfortunately. (But hopefully, 3rd party accounts will suffice.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Yin and Yang

   Let’s talk about weaknesses we can turn into strengths. For all the star gazing allowances people make for us to explore uncharted areas we have to distill our ideas for the publics consumption because most investors are not looking to involve themselves in a concept so involved that it fizzles out. As the authors we want room for growth and flexibility sometimes the worst nightmare for a startup is to have their name placed on a warped viewpoint of their vision and have to use that as a foundation. Next comes the pitch where we find an audience that wants to move forward with us and we take them on our journey. As an engineer when I was younger I found it difficult to paint a pretty picture. Because I knew of inherent problems that were present that would not stop me but that I didn’t know ere insurmountable obstacles to others. To me it became a coping skill. I got used to it not being my way or the highway and still keeping focus. Where this does become a problem is on follow-up. Where you have the entire map in front of you, on a follow-up they just want to drop a pin for GPS addressing this problem. Is where the art of business is plied.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Cross Training

                If I have confidence in myself that’s one thing but confidence in a future a yr. 5 yr. and 10 yrs. Out is another. As much as is I want an organic relationship ambition requires planning so relying on others that my confidence won’t take me for granted is another. I can accept failing because of my own faults and imperfections. But another area is where a relationship is tested. Because different perspectives lead to different results and personal and professional growth is a part of that process. Let’s talk about training it’s like the anti-blog fit in a structure and get your piece of paper and get a return. I would here this process and I would bristle, you can’t adapt or innovate in this space it’s too cookie cutter. But I keep a schedule and have had on professionally as it helps with goal setting period.

Monday, September 22, 2014

The prism of the minds eye

How do you keep up the entrepreneurial spirit? For me I'm a grinder I know barring extenuating circumstances give me a goal or a milestone and I will take steps towards it if I saw the Eiffel tower or in my case the terminal tower, and if you told me to walk towards it because a valuable commodity to me was there. I'm going I'll sketch out a plan problem solve on the fly and get there. Decision making is a crucial part    of the entrepreneurial campaign. Corporations have boards and stockholders that govern. But you are your own sovereign state so no glass ceiling, the sky's the limit. You have plausible deniability because you own those sleeplessness nights, where doubt live and progress slows. So my solution is by plane, train or automobile you make it and show along after otherwise how can a dreamer be so focused?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

New Akron

I found the seminar informative, exciting and beneficial. The seminar was led by a subsidiary of 3d systems. Steve Weatherford led us through PowerPoint presentations. Samples were passed around and a history of additive manufacturing was given. The room seemed to have a lot of scouts corporate wanted to see rapid prototyping effect on their immediate plans. Then the local flair kicked in where there will be a Weatherford/ 3d systems center in downtown Akron.So as you can imagine my eyes lit up. Immediately I was thinking that many of my capabilities and vision could come true next year. Late birthday present and very enlightening. Basically they came out of the gate saying they were going to embarrass the offerings of thinkbox at CSU and the additive manufacturing. So they are now looking for academic, startup and corporate connections in Akron. I'm not saying I'm super plugged in but hopefully I've positioned myself as a viable source.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Summation of Education

Stem aid in Ohio there is a competition that Ohio students can win that should stay in our wheel house. I can identify because with my AP physics class and through study, luck a strong academic challenge team we all received scholarships to the U of A. I was the only one who took advantage although 3 or 4 of us went into STEM careers and more majored. This was the right type of stimulus for me and I also believe that this provided leverage for institutions to give me insight on why I should continue when employers feel like you have earned something they tend to think you also want to earn your career. Which is why I'm putting together an online curriculum for the fall and investigating finishing either an associates or certificate in paralegal studies that will hopefully help with corralling my corner of the 3d printing industry while continuing my work as a consultant and entering and hopefully winning a start up competition.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Local 3d systems non webinar

3d systems is bringing a seminar to little old Akron and guess who they decided to invite!? A phone call and everything. I tried to gain interest of one of my friends that has recently built one. But I know I am of an inquisitive mind and want to compare experiences he has other things going on and is not so eager at this point. But September 16, I'll be there scouting out locals (hopefully some from tech pint) I expect it will be small nut the big company in a little city, burgeoning industry should be interesting! Now I just have to come up with some insightful questions!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Suvivalist vs. throw away

    I like think of myself as an amateur survivalist not to the level of building a bunker and stocking it. But to the level that if a natural disaster hit I would know about it first and react, calmly cool and collective to deal with a scarcity of resources. We are not talking about an outbreak of catastrophic porportions. I am gtalking about the situations where your immediate family could use durability and flexibility instead of the throw away culture that won't get you anywhere. The desert island approach when all you can bring is three things, my crovel II multitool, my knax 2.0 multiblade and a 3d printer. With these I think I could defend build shelter and gather water and food. The 3d printer I would use for a rain catcher leak sealers, from shelter and containers to store my bounty.What would you bring?

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Weaving a network

  Never miss out on a networking opportunity. I learned this lesson yesterday striking up conversations with those that are not only interested and enthused can definitely spark interest in others nearby. I was invited to an open house at Tiny Circuits. It was never stated that it would be a networking opportunity and parties with like minded individuals. I sometimes get called a nerd or human google in certain circles because I like to see what others interests are verbally. So I shoot out subjects like a food processor and then see what sticks and see how I can relate. The basis of human interaction tends to lead to these discussions but some like to discuss the abstract and build upon ideas capabilities and others are definitely from the show me  state where it doesn't exist unless you can see it. Subjects that were touched on arduino computers used for drones and their capabilities versus cost benefit analysis.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Catered engineering

     Making sure that 3d printing is the solution not a round about way to address an existing problem. It is a theoretical and typical to grab our new tools and make sure they fit. Ignoring hammer, duct tape and PVC pipe that could work just as well. In the information age we can build so much in our heads that is knowledge based that we produce nothing. To the outside world it looks like we are scared and hesitant but we want what we produce to be representative of our taste That is a design engineer dilemma. It can't be so cookie cutter to be easily replicated but cannot be so complicated that is use cannot be built upon or considered exotic.

   I strongly believe in the iterative process of design if you haven't noticed. Most engineering feats are battle born scientists are paid for the precise laws we as engineer's obey them. We solve problems by discussion hopefully with those that have expertise in the systems we are attacking and we are only isolating for calculations. Community within a working system is how we thrive ultimately so when improving processes, machines and structures I believe this how we should exist.

Saturday, August 2, 2014


  What do you when you can't reach out mentors? Academic mainstays in the field aren't responsive and so called experts say you're dragging your feet?

  Keep blogging! Why because it still moves the narrative forward and paces your responses to the myriad of questions that will be asked about your subject. Do not forget that many companies do have blogs and they need someone with technical expertise

  You blog will help you to strategize to help you get ready to pull the trigger when the correct time arises. If you can't ask yourself the tough questions and look for answers don't ask others to do it for you. But don't dig to deep down the rabbits whole and I hope this forum keeps the tech from my perspective affordable relatable and achievable.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Point blank period

    The saga continues as one of my friends already has his 3d printer on the way from Cincinatti. So as I choose the correct tool to solve my problem, hopefully I get to add more to my hands-on knowledge versus the theoretical applications I have pontificated on. I may be correcting some past recent views on ease of use and capabilities. But to err is human!

  The dialogue continues in one of the most dangerous industries in the country, constuction. It may have just been a conversation between me and my dad but put together we are close to 60 years in the industry, pretty well schooled and definitely ready. The extent of the impact whether it's being over hyped, how it will affect man hours and whether this will be another tool in a project manager's tool bag or considered this alternative. It is the most dangerous industry because of variable and entropy, what can go wrong will go wrong. Therefore the better your routines, trusted partners and alternatives are the better your business will fare point blank period. (#pbp and I will retweet first one of the blog. No selfies please!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Advances in prestige

   As internet advances and tech learns political ropes lobbying will increase. Decreases presence as grassroots for the people voice we all desire as our digital right. It conflicts and contradicts our idea of the  nimble pivoting internet company that reaches public IPO or gets gobbled up by a larger fish. (Usually ffor a hefty some and stock options) But it makes it more difficult for capitol hill to scratch thier heads and say I don't understand how this would help their constituency.

   Another prestigous field, medicine is looking to avoid red tape by using synthetic cadavers instead of authentic ones. These are based off of real humans with x-ray and ct scans these strict regulations interrupt and hinder by providing a measure of safety and security. Hippocratic oaths and ethics demand these restrictions but with 3d printing rare diseases may be studied to prevent epidemics and family and regional histories can be more closely studied for viable solutions.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

The human effect on rare resources

    3d printing has the possibility of not only transforming corporate culture but culture in the lower rungs of society. 3rd world countries have been targeted by me as an obvious location with limited resources. How about the 3rd world conditions that exist in this country. Namely the penal system. Many in the public do not believe human rights apply in crime and punishment but is this a perfect system of course. The system could use improving because primarily its a for profit with contractors and vendors that should not profit from human suffering. Therefore all the limiting resource utilization for the military, space and delivery could be scaled down for humans who are often controlled and ignored.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Post master and general info

   3d printing could lead to more single-item parcels being shipped to customers shorter distances. As one of the sink holes of logistic inefficiency often assumed to occur within government operations. But when competing with commercial enterprises takes priorities and turns these into advantages. Other branches of government that subcontract instead of direct competition seem to definitely be serious.

   A competitve driver as a motivating force increases the speed of adoption. Stressing industries innovations finding out potential manufacturing flaws while avoiding bureaucratic red tape evening out the playing field and creating dynamic relationships forged out of necessity, instead of tradition. Puzzle pieces that only fit geographic areas now fall in the hands of consumers. These are goals that community and industries should shoot for as progression and establishment. Therefore allowing us to grasp and grip instead of letting others dictate priorities. This is the environment and uphill climb the post office has to integrate into it's culture for the 21st century.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Spotlight on Innovation

     Will.I.Am is a tech pundit, an investor, and now a creative director. Now he is a tech influencer that gained traction that is growing in 3d printing.
How much influence he can have could gain by the Beats by Dre acquisition which netted him enough money to influence outright. 3d systems is backing him so where will this take him from there. 3d systems is on the an upward swing and taking him along with them could produce sweeping changes in the industry. This is long way from touring the world and making NBA finals songs.
    3d printed drones that can be printed from an airplane is another recent breakthrough. Logistics and fuel demand could be greatly decreased by deploying to hot spot areas to gauge effectiveness. These drones would allow tempered and proper reactions to fluid situations. Also internationational pressure could be shifted and lifted to protect food drops and provide humanitarian aid. Providing a remote remote air craft carriers on a miniature scale. Adding a layer of strategy that hasn't been seen since drones have been launched.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Percentages and presidents

   During a recent poll of industrial companies 60 percent were currently using 3d printing. Which means corporate culture has definitely adopted the Wall Street. Which should solidify the ups and downs associated with the investors finding the new direction or innovation supporting companies. That fact stabilizes the dynamic of the tech bubble which I remain very aware of. Which why I currently search for the star power, corporate power and economic influence to make sure it grows like  tree with rings in a trunk instead of wilting in the sun the pressure is on.

     Contributing to the insight and investigation of 3d printing is one of the most influential people in the world as Obama decided to get 3-d printed portrait but not quite a bronze bust. Instead of posing for a bust the presidential schedule wouldn't allow, instead he got it done in about 5 minutes. The process included touch up with other hand scanners. The other options for previous Presidents, Lincoln and Washington used to do were exhaustive processes. The Smithsonian has now began a program to scan catalog and preserve its expansive library. These can then be reproduced at will. So where will your choice of adoption fit into history

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Rapidly building momentum

    When prototyping rapidly, design input and response is at a premium and if you have multiple printers in different locations remote access can provide insight to collaborator without a factory visit, capability or feasabilty reports. I would like to print a red pair of scissors with the first print as a test print to cut all the red tape. Using the rep rap printer you provide tech support and add aditional value on your end to your partner states away.

   Also a quick report on some companies that have appeared in the blog before have come with innovative solutions the public is definitely taking notice. All supported flags which showed they were trending on their way up. Combine this with the growth from last year of 35% and once again inicators are positive with investors, industry and innovators, the three I's as it were. From a micro and macroscopic view the locomotive continues to move forward.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Concrete innovation instead of novelization

     Enough with the mustaches already. We are officially beyond novelty and are now looking at changing standards from the purveying idea of the box in the corner. We can conquer micro 3d-printing where we learn by bio mimcry mimicing nature where large structures are built uniformly. I think bees are the best example of micro builders that coordinate to build sound structures. I don't think a complex AI system needs to be integrated into printers but if  drones can coordinate a dance and cars can legally drive themselves it should not take much of a leap for the balance and stability, even retrieval of materials properly monitored. Biomimcry with oversight could be a powerful thing. Let's link technology and acclimate instead of novelize.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Space bridge

   3d printers are officially headed to the international space station. It's not an additional application that branches into sustainability for the future of the industry it is happening this August. This 3d printer will be NASA certified and specially designed for the rigors of space by a company called Made in Space by Mountainview. The fact that this equipment is internationally supported mean that the private companies that are betting on futures in space travel must also add the myriad of applications to their budget. 
   We have the best scientists being delivered 3d printers but what about the kids? Printeer is heading to class rooms a couple of months later. It is the opposite of being NASA certified it is trying to certify kids in 3d printing without the use of CAD software the learning curve shouldn't be as steep. Possibly through Nasa's youtube channel some of the same experiments performed on the space station could be performed around the worlds class rooms simultaneously.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

4d and construction insights

   A group is actually trying to introduce 4d printing. Yes, some are trying to innovate beyond 3-d printing. They are trying to introduce this in the environment. as we steadily pump out new innovations that surprise even the creator of 3-d printer in his expansive vision. I guess in some circles printing something customizable needs to be surpassed by something that can morph in use overtime. It is definitely in early pre Beta leaving a a kernel of an idea for consumers who have adopted the throw away culture. This could translate to a huge cultural shift itself but relies on the adoption of 3d printing.

The House printer is being put to use and applied for more than a foundation A contractor with an architectural background built his concrete 3d printer in two years. As I spoke with a finisher on a project I was working on I gained a perspective on the ability to make and earn a fair wage versus safe work conditions. Looking back as long as their hour quota is met many will stretch their need for sleep and unwinding for a bonus on getting a project done early. What if a concrete 3-d printer could take on some of the more dangerous situations that a finisher doesn't get paid extra for and handle them. I think that would be very insightful for the "outside office space" as a whole. Greater safety margins and greater productivity can only be a positive thing in one of the most dangerous industries in the world.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Activism and Vision

     Charles "Chuck" Hull created the first 3d printer and had no clue his creation would lead to current developments in health care. As an inventor this has to be one of the greatest rewards your vision and creativity has been built upon and surpassed using his hard work as a platform to create a better society. Now we may also be able to not only replace but enhance organs decreasing medically invasive surgeries but possibly increasing ethical conflicts on functions humans can improve themselves and their affect on the future leaning closer to designer human beings.

    An innovation that is more topical in nature both physically and mentally is coming out with their own current design. Often times I have heard ( I am no expert on the topic please comment below) skin contains many variables that scientists have tried to tailor to thew right situation, lighting and activity. Can 3d printing provide a solution for tailor made applications for an inexpensive cost using materials that are popular among makeup owners now? One inventor certainly hopes so and she looks at her crusade as activism let's hope it is a successful movement.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Project Skunkworks

   I have to admit I didn't think the multimedia coverage would be as an involved in 3-d printing. I thought that I would eventually earn my way into a cabal of specialists that created local think tanks around maker communities. I am getting involved and was approached with my first project. I mentioned my blog as I was posting for Monday and it garnered interest in conversation. I would say this is the area you should look to for future progress. I also have a timeline in my head to stay motivated and on task (as a consultant and engineer you always do) But for the record I will just say coming soon and hopefully provide insightful updates!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

What season is it?

   Would  you like to hear excitement in 3d-printing from a younger generation ready to embrace 3d-printing in a life long adventure? Well Jonathan Schwartz hosts his own podcast through the nerdist network called the Mutant Season. Hearing a little kid have his mind blown multiple times and trying to stretch his imagination as a 12 year old visiting a maker space is refreshing. They briefly go through the history of 3d printing connecting hex lab and 3d systems. This is definitely a show you should listen to with your little STEMS and be prepared to field questions. If you can prepare by reading 3d-printing for dummies all the better! Make sure to comment with your experiences below.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Medicine on the up and up

    In between the 3d systems webinar and the book review we have a new medical breakthrough for 3d printed blood vessels.This could of course allow a myriad of solutions, rerouting problem areas that could improve the health of those with heart disease. I still think the limiting factor with medical devices is the material. As materials become more biomedically friendly they will become long term solutions instead of emergency options. This should adjust specialists locations and bring about remarkable improvements in telemedicine.

    Now how do you make sure these solutions are approved and stay off the black market? Can you patent a copy of a human being to protect the public and make sure that none of them end up being bid on? These are culutural solutions and ethical solutions that must he solved and therefore anticipated for the true betterment of society.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Power in a new industry

   What is power in a new industry? When you can take a section that everyone thought was dead and bring it back to life. Radioshack has long been a staple of maker culture but has allowed staples to take the lead in 3d printing as an industry crossing over to the big box stores. A large number of radioshack stores are closing down because they are mom and pop franchises that did not communicate up the food chain to be ready to compete.

   When I was growing up I looked at Radioshack as a type of electronic hobby shop. Then I glanced at the circulars and saw them transform to a cell phone store. 3d printing is that cromagnon link for hobbyists and retail. This should definitely appeal to the typical radioshack consumer that has stayed loyal over the past 30 years.

   The second half of 3d printing was a tinkerer's dream. It was all about modifying adjusting and optimizing your machine for the best performance you could receive. Less visionary and more interactive but an excellent reference for those looking to make the jump.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Meet me half way?

    So I have decided to do a half-way review of the book 3-d printing for dummies. Why you may ask? I do not want to feel vindicated but the books point of view and mine are pretty asynchronous. I am excited to point anyone who likes my perspective even a little bit toward this book. Hopefully, as I continue to post my vision and additive manufacturing vision become more succinct a true picture will appear. The industry and I have the advantage of navigating with the passage of time. But 3-d printing for dummies provides a clear window from March backwards. So if you would like to mark this post and picck up reading my blog from this point forward, welcome. But make sure to pick up the book first. The next post will be a more technical review please follow along.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Extreme history

   I have detailed extreme cases in emergencies where I hope 3d printing ways in heavily saving lives and preventing situations that could quickly spin out of control crippling even the most able of hazard response units. There is another important hurdle we often overlook when dealing with immediate danger.  What in our past dealing have we set in place could compound the problem and is there anyway to nip that in the bud passively. Many parts that could be used to fix older hazards are out of stock and could not easily be replicated with todays machinery. The missing parts could Once again 3d printers could be used to sure up foundations.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Visual and Oratory Exposure

    My first book review will be appearing within the next two weeks. I am very interested in sharing material that we can use to help others to grasp concepts that initially seem to baffle or at least deter the masses from adoption. So I chose the for dummies series to hopefully apply these points. These are fairly priced and have covered a large range of topics in the past, and also are reasonably priced. So if brought up in casual conversation it's not likely to be met with a dirth of confused looks.

   However, on the oratory slant I gave my first speech on 3-d printing on Tuesday. I was a guest of toastmasters and was asked to give an extemporaneous speech on a topic I would like to teach. Of course, I chose 3-d printing and the cusp of a second industrial revolution. I didn't win a ribbon for the speech (this time) But I did get a chance to gauge an audience that were not expecting to have this topic brought to their doorstep. Hopefully, this and continued exposure will lead to more effective interaction and communication.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

More health care advancements

    Prosthetics and biomedical engineering were focused on stronger, better, faster which can make aid available through a combination of pneumatics and 3-d printing. The firrst hand was produced at a superior function with a significant savings. The prosthetic leg is now the next goal the industry has accomplished. For third world  and Battlefield medics it could be revolutionary. As the new solution is less expensive and highly deployable.

   Biomimcry and 3-d printing are not often mentioned in the same breath but goes hand in hand. Getting closer to nature and thereby nature which extending and augmenting should be it's over all goal in optimization sharkskin 3-d printed suits will be a part of the optimization that we can achieve shark scales can be like chain mail which takes a meticulous procedure and translates them to realistic ideas.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Living health museum

    3d brain scans a la Iron Man 3 or on their way which with hopefully growing detail could help freeze time for stories of the most complicated organ and makes it easier to treat complicated organ and makes it easier to treat complicated diseases and have the ability to perform autopsies without disturbing the deceased and their families. Thereby allowing a less invasive treatment and research when 3d printing gains resolutions the idea of progressive surgeries could be performed with increasing success rates and letting people create a health museum frozen in time that tracks health history without sacrificing privacy. This would also let solutions be able to be projected and trends more easily analyzed.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Biology aided printing

    3-D Printed foam delivery system. I get excited about advancements especially those that save human lives. This takes foundation building variables and provides band aids to areas that may heal the Earth. Temperature controlled foam could alleviate floods and stop wild fires without contamination to the surrounding areas. Oil spills could quickly be contained. Even Barrier reefs could be repaired thereby helping ecologically and definitely saving personel for the best allocation when resources are stretched thin and you are not worried about your job and livelihood but the lives of others.

   Another medical break through leads to an advance in kidney dialysis. 3-d printed tissue has led to an option for dialysis patients and those with kidney disease to avoid the mechanical failure and instead help rid of toxins, animal stings and bacterial infections. These would be external considered an external biological solution to a common human problem.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Conscious of history

  There is something creeping into the consciousness of the Amerixan public.I think we can calmly call it a  feeling of de ja vouz. This is rare because from a market standpoint rhe public is often deemed nor ro have a memory more like a trend and cycle.  Love affair with 3d is not new as far as represented visuals go. Many remember days of 3d glasses (red and blue). Many companies tried to build it glasses free into flat screen televisions but the buying public simply wasnt biting. This was a major effort to include 3d as a standard feature. So does the public quickly equate these as somehow equivalent even though they are worlds apart?
Actual applications that benefit soxiety beyond entertainment should definitely differentiate. But what else can the Maker community do?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Remote construction for emergencies

    I am excited to report that I will soon be able to provide more detail on the possibly burgeoning remote construction and emergency response industry. I do have a degree in civil engineering and for all the specifications required for variables required to build sound structures. The possibilities are there and developing hopefully removing people out of harmful situations and becoming better for the environment as a whole. I still think with the climate change argument we should look at exploring underwater construction. I am not saying I think we should build Atlantis yet. But I think barriers that could prevent more life and land loss in the near future and be able to engineer a more easier to predict change. Hopefully, with the course I am currently taking in bioethics combined with the additional course on drones I can move the narrative forward to make this happen.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Generic adaptation

    Many items are built for the generic human. Where design considerations are made for something that is constant. Unfortunately, time and circumstance are something that is fluid affects us all. So our needs change but the items that we purchased don't. As creatures of biology and habit 3-d printers should be a viable solution for modifying existing problems for long term use. The now established consumer culture could finally be changed which I think is the ideal goal of the maker movement.

   3-d printing is also looking at going aerial to be able to remotely be able to print remotely. I mentioned one of this possibility earlier. However, now it looks like the ability is becoming a reality and being transferred to drones. I still have more investigation to do as how stabilization for building and monitoring will continue. My background is construction management means that it could be okay for specialized tasks and safety. I will definitely be providing updates as this progresses.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Corrections and Realities

    Okay as my first audit is almost over. It also is coinciding with forecasts regarding 3d printing some more aggressive stock jumps are now correcting themselves which definitely provides a more realistic picture and takes us away from the tech bubble area that I mentioned we were rapidly approaching . It definitely is a cliff world changing technology based on should avoid as it serves to legitimize in industries where other competitive companies have a head start. Angel investors will not keep paying attention to an innovation that continually disappoints. Finally, letting excellence truly shine.

Friday, May 2, 2014

A respit for reflection

    This blog is here to direct, explain and anticipate. There has been a slow down in the traction of applying 3-D printing applications. I therefore am taking a little time to hopefully improve the way I deliver information Please feel free to use the comments below to mention and make it easier to consume. Please feel free to use the comments below to mention some items you would like to see clarified or in further detail. I am also looking for enthusiastic individuals to guest post. I am not looking for just anyone but the best of the best. This is the post that when you decide to reply that you leave your information. Proof reading is underway and it won't change the writing style.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

News outlets and agility

    Mainstream media coverage is interesting. These organizations must be careful to fact check and paint with a broad stroke at the same time. This often means that late breaking stories must be treated with kid handled gloves with the general public in mind. For example Fortune is beginning to report on venture investors. I personally feel that it is too late in the life cycle and should be focused on supporting ancillary products and techniques that would support 3-d printing at the beginning of the life cycle. Major industries have already thrown their hat in, so how does fortune expect these investors that they have tracked down for comment to help? This is often the problem with reporting on something cutting edge to stockholders but originated in the Maker community.

  Cutting edge is temporary, but housing complete with sanitation and running water should cause others to take note. We have discussed 3-d printed foundations with concrete. However this time, the material is sand and special binder 50 sq. feet and 10 feet high. It is 3d-printed with Voxel jet backing. These domiciles are not designed for the financially challenged but rather for students and young professionals. Obviously, quality was of important so we should definitely take heed before the major news outlets get a hold of it.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Supply Chain Revolution

     I worked briefly on supply chain for a local utility right out of college. It was one of the areas that I was sure could be improved. Record keeping, ordering small parts to be shipped over half the country from a warehouse that you hope is organized when you submit the request. If the part isn't at the warehouse then you hunt and make calls to the next closest one to avert disaster on the repair that needs to be handled as soon as possible. Today everyone promotes the buzz words locally sourced food (which may also be 3d-printed).

   As manufacturing centers and NAFTA agreements were made in the 90s centers and jobs moved from the heartland of the United States to China and Mexico. Since then we have to deal with the powerhouse that is Foxconn in China that produce i-phones and sweatshops that make NIKEs. As production goes these large companies did not mind but many humanitarian non-profits do. As democratization  and the world economy rose the made in the USA tag meant less and less. It transitioned from nationalism to a true grass roots desire to be connected but self-suficient. Wnich I think is healthy and the perfect place for 3d printing to step in.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Bandaids and a new way to recycle PLA

 3d systems webinar was very informative and focused on full color printing. After a couple of glitches getting in the webinar I jumped in with Tom Charron. He was speaking on the advantages of full color and high speed through put. Objex unlimited took over next stating that 3d printing is such a competitve advantage that they don't want to disclose for fear of trade secrets getting out. One example shown was a full-color relief  map of a golf course. The first piece of equipment that was shown was Project 4500 it is capable of printing parts that can survive in water without detoriation and these can also be painted on. 3d systems webinar will be on youtube in audio format if you want to listen for yourself.

   Akron has a start up gaining traction in the region. The startups goal is to recycle plastics. This is important to us as it is a crucial life cycle detail in 3d printing. I don't know of their interest in PLA but it should at least be in development. I would be interested in their insights as the by product of iterative product could have a definite impact depending on the scale of the item.

  Moving out of regional to somewhere with international implications is advent of 3d printing water band aids. Because these are a type of membrane created they are not limited topical use. What is still be grasped is the scale. Military applications abound as well as those in 3rd world countries. People who operate in hard to access areas should also be interested as once again additive manufacturing could definitely be used for hazard response.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tech Literacy leads to gaming?

    Tech literacy is a crucial part of 3d printing, but what does it consist of? Just like our traditional education system tech literacy has levels. An example  of this is making some books accessible while others take work with comprehension. Coding is the catch all be all in web 2.0 design while Autocad is the off-line version both should be considered the pinnacle of tech literacy in this day and age. 3d systems booth at the Science and engineering will show off some of the company's educational endeavors. Blokify is a game-like 3 design environment that designed to help literacy. Gaining literacy should be fun and 3d systems wants to aim the public in this general direction.

   3d printing is projected to reach a million homes by 2018. How does this scale to similar tech industries? A new console from Sony the PS4 has reached an install base of 7 million after 6 months. In 3d printing  we are looking for the same tipping point that drove the Atari 2600 into homes in the early 80s and  arcade cabinets as gathering places around the country. We hope that the model can be similarly adopted by 3-printing.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Challenges and Regions

    Let's take a minute and take the temperature of 3d printing as it affects us in the region. We understand the pluses. 3-d printing democratizes manufacturing therefore decentralizing centers and many of the complaints that could lower tarriffs and ease political relationships where NAFTA was a huge focus. It also puts consumer in granular control. Much of the negative press associated with 3d printed guns has subsided.

   In the region Cleveland has begun hosting confernces and integrating into the public library system (another field trip from last summer) Youngstown State is also starting an additive manufacturing major. I have been in contact with the Dean of this department and hopefully this will reap positive rewards for the blog and region. There are also challenges, the first in the region being that Akron for all if its medical prowess and polymer science has not become a major player in North East Ohio yet.

   One micron is the best available unit accuracy that 3d printing can achieve. This is accuracy is staisfactory for electronics but the next goal should be to integrate sensors and communiccation arrays from the start. The goal of 3d printing medical devices is based on digital but the industry is still in process of digitizing medicine records themselves. It is also less resistant than classically molded parts. Then they are the legal risks which include excercising a degree of caution, slowing down microfabrication. Intellectual property rights are a major issue that will have to be solved with the rapidly evolving innovation.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Smiles and colors

   3d systems is hosting another webinar. I am expecting a large technical data dump complete with graphs and timelines. All dynamic information is open to interpretation in these circumstances. It often times falls to the audience to interpret and find out what we can use and leave behind.

   We have spoken about 3d printing body parts whether it be for rehearsal or replacement. As 3d-systems most likely will point out. Color will provide a variety of new uses. Humans all realize that a nice smile is often a key to persuasion and charisma. So why not start here? The 3z Lab Printer that is now sold can replicate teeth to create molds for crowns and bridges with a wax like material. The company pioneering it Live Wire in my backyard of northeast Ohio has been printing dental models since October. Hopefully, I will find out more about this company and create a connection in the future.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Roads and scale


 Scale is an important part of 3d- printable the larger the object the longer it takes to print. If we take the same rules and apply them to our narrative we often need to go from elevator pitch to continuing narrative of a blog. The difference is when communicating technical ideas orally the listeners picks up on buzzwords and ignores technical jargon.
 The ability to convey information in a point in time is different than the background information and forward thinking a continuing narrative encourages actions as well as progression.

  There are glow in the dark road ways in the Netherlands and also roads that light up road peripheral upon passing. The whole desire is to be energy efficient upon passing when there is not construction. Finally, there are snow flakes that appear thermally on the roadway. So we basically have the problem United States where the infrastructure has been reported as severely lacking. So how could 3-d printing affect this nationwide industry. The nations infrastructure is built around plants, plans, delivery and installation. There are lots of gaps in transportation and improvements can be definitely be made in safety because ultimately work zones are kept alive and right next to real traffic. This is part of a continuing narrative that I would like to address as I believe the agile functions of 3d printing can address and become a partner to this industry.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Grants and startups

Grant writing is not a solo sport you need partners. With blogging the goal is to create a community while with grant writing you establish a community. Because there are rigid guidelines everything thing cannot be as organic in nature with energy and synergy. There must be deadlines and budgets that take priority.What I am trying to figure out is where startups fit in this updated order of things. We think of startups for the most part springing from silicon valley. With seed money and angel investors gifting small companies with big ideas truck loads of cash for development. Then those companies swallow other companies they believe will be beneficial to their cause and so on and so forth. This leads me to another goal I would like to accomplish before the end of the year that of a grant peer reviewer. So hopefully another milestone I can update you with!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Kickstarter 3d-printing star

    The 3d-printing landscape change may be due to kickstarter. It is a micro 3d-printer with a goal of 50k in order to actualize the project. It accomplished its goal and then some as it raised 1 million dollars in one day. It shows interest outside of the established hand shake and vendor deals of companies that are publicly offered to investors. It is similar to a Makerbot except the size is the printing space is at 7.3 inches The weight is also easily managed at 2.2 lbs. making it portable. But one of the overlooked layman's design aspect that is not lost on machinists and engineers is the leveling aspect. As I mentioned before to the navy would love to incorporate 3d printers but it needs a dedicated space because the more delicate and intricate things the more controlled your environment needs to be. But you could also consider scaling down your controlled environment like the mainframes of old. Hopefully, this 3d printer is not so under powered as to render it like another kickstarter star the OUYA which intended to bring the console experience to users at a much more inexpensive format. It was also popular and then outdated by the rest of the industry in months as their innovations could not keep up with the R&D departments.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Remote abilities and scope

    Beginning at the beginning with grant writing will be a difficult undertaking. However I do find it will be similar to writing a proposal for construction. After my first submission I do believe with most things as a civil engineer it will take some iteration to find the proper scope and partner. Ideally, I would like to work with municipalities with a grant in my pocket to turn a trial basis to a larger scale.

Manufacturing remotely in non-ideal conditions is a strength of 3d-printing with remote monitoring, the ability to print it's own replacement parts and various other supply chain benefits. That is why the Navy and NASA both see the ability for 3-d printing to make their lives much easier. There are hurdles though as machine shops would need to be designed for a dynamic environment of a ship with pitch, roll and yaw. The army is already using 3d printers in combat and given the rivalry between the Armed Services where there is a will there is a way.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Seminars and growth

    I was invited to a nationwide seminar on Tuesday on you guessed it, 3-d printing. It takes place tomorrow, it was kind of short notice but I hope these take place more regularly. As the industry moves forward we must also try to move forward as well. We can't expect the 3d printers to do all the heavy lifting. So my goal is in four months to write a grant involving 3d printing and hopefully some ground breaking uses.  I will be building off of ideas that I have blogged about here and building new ones. So if there are any posts that you would like to see more formally fleshed out I would be happy to take them into consideration.

  I am inspired to write a grant (deadline my birthday) by stories like these The first-3d printed skull helped  a with a woman with a rare condition that caused her skull to get heavier every year (as time went on) It was then replaced and installed with a 3d printed version. It has yet to be determined how long the skull would last decades or a few years. It truly shows high quality and high reward design cases that are rare but when the foundation is there but the condition is yet to be explored.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Laws and Forecasts

   I am happy to report that I have avoided all internet April Fool's jokes having to do with 3-d printers. A burgeoning industry that depends heavily on the internet has to avoid these cultural pitfalls. Also with April 1, we have completed the first business quarter of 2014 with the majority of reports stating that as an industry indicators are looking very positive. Hopefully, these forecasts are existing outside of the overall tech resurgence where companies are swallowing startups at an alarming rate. That is not the hurdle that concerns me because 3-d printing is heavily entrenched in the maker community, which is not easily swayed. However, with creators comes imagination that for the most part knows no bounds. The only constriction in 3d printing seems to be the ability to own and build off your own ideas. While there is a strong sense of community patent trolls can stifle ingenuity and rewarding those that truly take chances. Patent law depends heavily on knowledge of the industry so you are aware of bounds that can be crossed and those deemed illegal. We see through Apple and Samsungs continued path to the courtroom in the mobile realm that when titans get involved all primary and secondary industries can be affected. Let's hope that those of us with abilities to interpret law make sure those that deserve credit and the financial gains that may come along with it receive

Monday, March 31, 2014

Droning on and on

   In the United States we cannot get enough of drones. Whether it's imagining them delivering our packages, negating enemies without risking our lives or capturing live news footage before it can be tweeted. Where there are things that fly, there are people that want to shoot them down. The last post I did my best to illustrate how 3d printing could conquer water (especially in emergency situations). Now we will attempt air with the concept of 3d printed disposable drones. With air travel more variables and calculations result in a larger margin of error. So an inexpensive alternative especially for conditions where pilots would not risk life, limb or their precious equipment these drones could possibly do the job. In current news you could have another co-pilot on the ground trailing the plane negating losing track of plane as in the Malaysia situation and also providing an exterior black box and emergency response unit. The teams that have developed these drones are from Advanced Manufacturing Research Center (AMRC) at the University of Sheffield in Great Britain. The drone is 5 foot wide and consists of nine parts using a technique called fused deposit modeling.w Once again the applications during emergency when we want to focus efforts and lessen damage these drones seem like a very favorable option

Friday, March 28, 2014

Movies and canoes

 The concrete canoe is a staple for civil engineering design for students. Calculations, mix design and strength all play apart in this competition. Jim Smith at Grass Roots Engineering has created 3d printed kayak that is seaworthy. He is an employee of 3d systems and therefore has a leg up on the competition. It took 42 days of printing to create 28 parts. Many say Grass roots has created a work of art. Once again with 3d printing optimization occurs more quickly. So in addition to sandbags being deployed we could also see 3d printers from hobbyists, machine shops and FEMA receive uploads tailored to the area affected, severity and population involved. Easy assembly and rapid response could reduce property damage and save lives. If anticipatory preparations are incorrect then the peices could either be stored or moved to a more critical area. This would remove FEMA outside of the realm of providing trailers and assistance to an agency where you could not only find documents on line for preparations but find digital solutions for your neighborhood. The kayaks can be purposely tailored to your family as you register for alerts.

    I like to contrast my blog posts subject matter. I would like to let you know that Netflix has acquired a 3d documentary called Print the Legend. The documentary managed to sneak by my recent SXSW coverage. It focuses on Makerbot and lesser known Formlabs as they begin to compete with the more established Stratysys and 3d systems. I am excited to soon be able to provide you with a review. Although stock pundits have been preaching its doom recently these companies are receiving positive from both the government and media. These definitely cannot hurt the future outside of the investing side of 3d printed.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Locale and implementation

    So are we looking at biology advantages or advanced band-aids. We want everything to be revolutionary but must realize without any type of small step forward that giant step for human kind will be hard to manage.
Quick response where budgets are blown out of proportion for various contracts to the advantage of people and wildlife should be the key way to open eyes to this matter. Whether it be correcting animal deformities that had no viable solution or finding substitutes or mass produced items that often have to be shipped in for relief all over the country. These solutions could easily be locally sourced and implemented.

       RoomScan is an app that can draw a scan of a room for you in a minute similar to project Tango. Here
 physical objects are transferred into the digital world where hopefully we as professionals can do low risk, low cost tests to find away to maximize their potential and reintroduce them through 3d-printing. This could be a critical step in many abstract proofs that become less abstract the more tangible they become. It also allows us to look at things like environmental impacts where we only get one opportunity to iterate against a simulated reacting environment, allowing forethought and trial testing where before none was feasibly possible. Most likely the closest thing that we will get in modeling to a Holodeck.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Webinars and Synergy

    3d systems has invited me to another one of their webinars announcing new products. September was the last time that I attended one of these events and it should be a return to a more corporate form after South by Southwest. I expect the peace and love marketing of south by Southwest is eschewed because a new participant has entered the arena. HP happens to be from a more formal field of printing and with the movement being nearly complete from paper to digital this is a logical step. Others have partnered with big box stores or even innovators in 3d printing. So how will this challenge be met? It certainly put many stockholders on notice. With the announcement from HP stocks from traditional frontiers took a tumble. This webinar should provide some answers because R&D from Stratysys and 3d systems should still be ahead of HP. I will be happy to report the events on March 27.

      Also next week I would like to explore the concept of the virtual workspace and possible manufacturing centers that may be able to glue brick and mortar stores as well as brands closer together. Basically, through interoperability I would like to see tech tends become a movement where commercial drones, virtual reality and 3d printing unify manufacturing production and commercial centers. My hope is that consumers will be more involved in decision making and have greater power behind their purchasing dollars. I will be sure to explore the bridges necessary next week.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A view through the polygon crystal ball

     Sometimes I admit I make wild predictions and to keep them from being so wild and give them direction I check in with them every so often. The latest update that I would like to give is to on the front of virtual reality. Along with my background as an engineer I am also a gamer. I have owned owned all of Sony's gaming consoles and they have usually managed to push the envelope with technology.Moving from CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays as storage. Haptic feedback and interaction has also been a source of innovation and immersion into created and modeled worlds. At the game developers conference yesterday Sony revealed they were entering into the VR space with project Morpheus. It will not only be used for games but also for virtual tours and other business applications. Sony is no longer the maker of everything as it once was but this should provide a major boost to the industry.

  My wild prediction from before was that 3d printing and Virtual Reality go hand in hand. Both encourage digital interaction and immersion on different levels. Creativity also flourishes under these circumstances. The goals of both technology follow the same path. The goal is keeping cost, travel and resources at a minimum while increasing collaboration and productivity. How long will it take for the headset and 3d printer to become one in a creative capacity? I am not ready to hazard that guess just yet.

Monday, March 17, 2014

More than a deck of cards

     The region that I live in doesn't always get painted in the best light. Ohioans are situated in the Rust Belt and Akron was once considered the rubber capital of the world. I included these in past tense because these industries have shrank considerably the past 30 years. Which means it is ripe for ancillary industries to take it's place as it is well situated for research and production. One specialty of the region that is often overlooked is the world-class hospitals that are located here. Whether you are looking for heart surgery or pediatric care Ohio, especially Northeast Ohio is often considered the place to go to receive the proper care. The University of Kentucky has jumped ahead in the area of pre-surgical preparation with the replica 3d printed heart. For the price of 600 dollars a heart was replicated that enabled a successful on an infant. The cost of medical equipment built for prescision and reliability the addition of a 3d printer should be something that every hospital administrator should be looking to squeeze into their budget. The pace of digitizing hospital records has been moving along at a crawl. However, the addition of 3d printer compatible scans may quicken the adoption and conversion.

   The other news items fall into the same category. The only difference is non-invasive surgery is the focus. Doctors without borders often goes to remote areas of the world to perform often simple surgeries on children in 3rd world countries. Lately, they have been overshadowed by more complicated facial reconstruction made easier by 3d printers. CT scans were used to determine how to restore symmetry to a face that was damaged in a UK car accident. Hopefully, these same techniques can be brought over to a problem facing many seniors which is replacement hips and knees. These could be adjusted for gaits additional weight and any other normal stresses the human body would be able to handle at an advanced age. Hopefully these advancements will help the region and people around the world that come here for health care.