Saturday, December 27, 2014

Exo interface

      I've decided to incorporate a new facet to my blog as I am not considered a noteworthy expert on applications of 3d printing yet I will try to introduce you to other experts in related fields. I am going to try to do this through Ted talks Hugh Herr is one of the foremost experts in the field of bionic limbs and robotic prosthetics that lost both legs in a climbing accident and discusses different facets of biomechanics including why humans have not been able to get the original mechanical extensions of ourselves (shoes) correct.

   Exoskeletons and augmented reality a represent a combined effort for monitoring remote operations. When I brought this idea up over the holidays I first had to explain what an exoskeleton is. In it's best application right now 3d printing can be used to make prosthetics look more life like while maintaining and augmenting their function. At it's best we have applications like in Aliens or where suits are used to make harsh conditions more liveable and perform work where others could not perform work or conditions are more dangerous. 3d printers would be the factories while humans with exoskeletons would do the work. Drones perform these duties now while but are not connected to humans these interfaces are what will drive innovation.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Lost in Alice in Wonderland

  I am planning my first field trip down to guess where? If you read my previous post you may have already guessed it. A weekend in the wild wonderful west virginia, hopefully I will be able to provide first hand accounts as to the potential of the area to be a 3d printing hub. So Henry David Thoreaux needs to watch out has unearth my roots to see how stable they are. Hopefully, I come out with some new connections insights and a few home cooked meals to boot!

  Outside of your normal potholes sink holes are also a common problem to pedestrians, motorists and cyclists. These spread very quickly during freeze thaw actions and also need to be documented as they can reach enormous proportions. with 3d scanning these changes could be documented and anticipated. Although the scale often is to big to print a solution it can be scaled down and multiple options can be fitted from there. It is always much easier to solve a scalable problem than to wait until it gets out of hand. I say this because I former project I worked on in Shaker Heights is now under attack by a sink hole. I know that soil reports can help forecast a response but this is a fluid situation around live rail lines so what is the classical response compared to a more innovative controlled one?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A new region is trying to attract attention

   Charleston WV, I know more about the city than most. The majority of my family comes from the area and I know the socio-economics that come from chemical plants and few highly paid specialized positions create a vacuum that create a vacuum that is hard to recover from. I have been working on and off again on a solution and was wary when I did not embrace my second home's ability to adopt a new technical landscape. 3d printing could be supported and could connect a region that was once limited and release the full potential of the region.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Inception 2014-2015

    Speeches down through history have been catalysts for growth, change and power. Words have the power to motivate to action or retraction for value or distraction. The three major jumps in technology that we will see in 2014-2015 are drones, 3d printing and VR. I attempted to check out Samsung's new headset but it was not available in stores, but could be ordered. It is first generation so there is a growth opportunity and it is also the little brother of Oculus Rift (the kickstarter sweetheart). Applications are movies and videogames so far. But how about recent history with the 24 hour news cycle we don't often get the chance to isolate dwell and digest on moments of significance. Because everyone is standing still and focused on one point this seems the easiest to reproduce both digitally and physically. Drones provide the scans with participants permissions and then video is compressed to allow the viewer to actually be in the audience or (even on stage for the speech) capturing and deciding on their own emotions and interactions with others and then it is reproduced as a scalable setting when finished. Heightening the already dramatic effect of the speeches.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Chains and things

3d printed bikes make perfect sense. Before I got my most recent bike I was 34 and used to expressing my style through exploration and was only limited by funds. Most bikes looked the same and I wanted something that expressed my personality. If I can have my pick of a body or type of car why can't I do the same for an alternate mode of transportation? I could have my bike match my car or a team logo. Isn't it possible to successfully print an entire bicylce that works well all the time. Ridability function and the ability to repair if something went wrong (although you could just print a new part) So fart the frame front fork bearing and suspension. But can also be customized for any body size so we won't have a Shaquille in a buick situation!