Thursday, November 20, 2014

Stretching our conscious

I admit I am kind of scared of artificial intelligence. It can be source of exploration and discovery of ourselves and our micro and macro universe. How does this involve and utilize 3d printing Well we have to give commands through something as small as an arduino processor. What if this method could be adapted to interpolate variables that could enable on the fly repairs and responses? We would be able to build with greater safety, accuracy and use more expensive material while defending more precious cargo. Do the dangers of skynet balance against the future of problem solving There will always be new problems let's hope we are not one of them.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Kitchen counter

Food printers will hopefully move forward over the next couple of years. My brother is a huge foodie and constantly watches the food network religiously. I wouldn't classify myself as the same we can all cook but none of us are chefs per se. It is definitely something that as I get older and more grey headed I hopefully will become better at.  But instagram has exposed what was sitting between a party of people on white linen and has gained a cult like following. Before taste was a key part of the experience along w/ presentation. Creating a custom visual that sets your recipe and restaurant from the rest around the world and having this result be reproducible is very important. I hope that with the rise of mixology 3d printers will be sitting in a kitchen right next to the line cook in kitchens around the world.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Shallow end of the pool

I'm dipping my foot back into a previous venture and they are excited to work with me again. I am trying to get better and stretch the limits of working remotely as well as R&D for engineers we do so much work based off of principles that when we start an iterative process from scratch we like our projects to be billable and not guesses. But when we pull from so many areas and stitch and craft. What are we to do? Let's brave forward through the principles of NASA for assistance.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

TWI and games

    T.W.I. Weatherford is still on the job with a facility in Canal place. I exchanged e-mails with Aaron Spicer who is setting it up they are busy the location will be in downtown Akron I am a huge supporter of this project because it will be near my friends at Tiny Circuits, The Bike Center (my new friends) and my school (alma mater university of Akron.) So it is very encouraging for me and the future of the industry in the area to see this be completed by the beginning of the year.

   Ohio is teaching game design with 3d at the primetime for kids to design their own games. Now it can jump into a physical form for more permenance for kids in the future. As we all know 7 year olds attention does not last a long time, but that does not mean they cannot create something that kids afterward that they can pick up and enjoy.