Friday, October 31, 2014

3d palooza and Autodesk

Autodesk 100 million dollars through project Spark Investment Fund the money's out there let's innovate. That was a shot in the arm that caught my eye. It distracted me from the second part of the 3d palooza which was live streaming and moved from Faro which was attempting to pioneer laser scanning with applications in architecture and engineering and surveying. Next they moved on to a company using an Nvidia shield as a hand held scanner. It can be found at the scans take less than a minute the files are also small at 5 or 6 mb and the equipment itself is very portable. The price point is set at 5k . This create an application that I am very invested in as far as being a portable solution for scanning potholes.  There was another company at and should specialize in re-organizing industrial floor plans.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Geek Beat 3d palooza

  The first part of geek beat. tv included a demo of a drone that could input navigation way points and fly that route while announcing battery points and then landing in its original location. All with the pilot ( who was a novice on the ground. The cost for the drone came in at a reasonable price of $750 of course I would learn on a mini-drone and step my way up as a pilot. But this definitely increases the versatility while decreasing the learning curve. Next the gentlemen from Autodesk arrived and showed off their rendering software showcasing Han Solo in his carbonite casing. Most of the applications were for rendering virtual environments but they are an offshoot of AutoCad so we will see how it translates.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Effort and investigation

    I am starting to do research on what I missed out on at the mini-maker faire luckily an associate of mine Ken Burns of Tiny Circuits, was one of the featured speakers. So, there's a good chance I could swing by his office and get comments and view points of what was the good and future of the event as this was the second.

   Sunday, I will try.. try to watch Geek Beats event on youtube on 3d. There is at least 6 hrs. of viewing so I would like to do a post a week for the next 4 weeks so if anything interests you as a reader.You have the opportunity to scrub through and find what you like.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Round 3... Fight!

   The next round of funding in the Akron-Cleveland area will soon be but there announced In Northeast Ohio we are a fan of the arts but there is no pilot season. Finally, sticking our heads up out of our proverbial blue collars and not (quite) attracting the attention  angel investors we get grades on our regions ingenuity How will we grade out will there be a groupon that takes the world by storm. It  has to be more than an app (more) dynamic.I am not saying I'm campaigning for me but I did submit.

  Best Buy will also be opening 500 stations for 3d printing projects I called my local best buy and for as helpful as they tried to be there was nothing they could add to the story at this time. I also wanted to report on the mini maker faire in Akron first person but I was out sick unfortunately. (But hopefully, 3rd party accounts will suffice.)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Yin and Yang

   Let’s talk about weaknesses we can turn into strengths. For all the star gazing allowances people make for us to explore uncharted areas we have to distill our ideas for the publics consumption because most investors are not looking to involve themselves in a concept so involved that it fizzles out. As the authors we want room for growth and flexibility sometimes the worst nightmare for a startup is to have their name placed on a warped viewpoint of their vision and have to use that as a foundation. Next comes the pitch where we find an audience that wants to move forward with us and we take them on our journey. As an engineer when I was younger I found it difficult to paint a pretty picture. Because I knew of inherent problems that were present that would not stop me but that I didn’t know ere insurmountable obstacles to others. To me it became a coping skill. I got used to it not being my way or the highway and still keeping focus. Where this does become a problem is on follow-up. Where you have the entire map in front of you, on a follow-up they just want to drop a pin for GPS addressing this problem. Is where the art of business is plied.