Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Good morning, starting a research paper and continuing with AWS. We now have a way to patrol the coast after a natural disaster for search and rescue purposes and recovery. AI can help with a settlement management and make many of the quibbles and douche minutae that we call society integrated and part of an expected culture instead of a faux paus if missed. And in society we need help to guide new advents in technology or else patents get held and there is no innovation. Workout AI can help out on hiking when things get unpredictable or stressful situations.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Traditionally AWS is not spoken about but in pod racing terms it's the closest thing. We have decided root for teams and squads that we care for but this virtual track can provide security and other benefits. We know automated cars will eventually take over our roadways no matter how hard we complain. But others depend on public transporation and we want it to be that. We have natural gas that threatens others but not a rover server personality matrix. We look at our vehicles and give them names but a personality would allow them to feel guilty or not guilty.

Trained by‎: ‎Yuki Ishikawa

Good morning everyone, Nasa is back bitches! Get your earth defense and underwater gear ready to go. With Nasa being back we can make sure that our oceans are clean and future moons are explored so let's map it all not only for our hikes but for automated cars... more to come!