Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Steelbelted silicone valley

Fast Company: The Reasons Why There Aren't More Black Engineers In Silicon Valley.

Why the batmobile isn't considered a drone.

Next for 2016! Happy New Years.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Bike Road review

  Good morning, I have began to actually follow bike blogs and take notes on road conditions. It's easy to have a google maps overlay or continue the experience or thrill of trail riding before you go out yourself and budget for a trail bike. I have also decided to use a new way to do road reviews which is youtube. I know this is a google location site so it would figure, but many of the treacherous road conditions that both cyclists and in worse road conditions would face is reviewable as well as comments could be added to produce a more preferrable trip to the public. Your bicycle club or car pool could have information that travels could exchange volatile and valuable information that could help their families alike. Someone might also notice a fix that your bicycle need during road conditions that could stop you from being  stranded. It could also be an activity for the stay at home parent that wants that extra sense of security.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Buses bikes and destination

Buses assisting with bike transportation is an interesting angle to take on assisting the transportation as a whole. Bus drivers typically do not like to get up from their seats to assist as you would expect from a stewardess or pilot. Instead they have to give direction  where cyclists have a naturally tendacy be self starters. Everyone knows that their are different cultures that affect the way people are treated but these needed to merge and find out to build togther. Let's face it the closest thing we would usually get to road rage as an automobile driver is road rage of a bus driver as we take too long to board. If we ignore this we can merge transportation design and direction to create a safer community for the future. If we don't we might as well load up our dash cam with a fresh sd card and take off to our next destination.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Blog 10.23

Bike Paths around the city of Cleveland are expected to grow as a sustainability initiative over the next 3 years examine this as a transportation developer you and I have to see which areas they establish themselves in which ongoing projects they cut through bike path and lane construction must be tightly coordinated because as they are completed they are put into use. Traffic patterns are quickly adjusted to the motorists Chagrin safety is a priority and so is scenery as cyclists like to a premium on these.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

   I am determined to begin my bike messaging pamphlet again this fall. I will help with site scouting for tourists and others as well as a growth industry. It will probably start as a bike tour guide with emphasis on certain applications that will stick around for a  while including apps for security, maintenance and community building. Helping others to interact with social media and therefore grow. So many would think a blog with my educational background is enough but something that could be handed out at meeting, competitions and festivals.It would allow us to work on our compassion for a green industry and a green community as a whole which allows us to grow. Usually, I am writing on a  technical slant but a community cannot be built on technical know how but technique too.

Love ya,

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Socially new concious

CNET: Tinder adds Super Like when swiping right just isn't romantic enough.


Rap-Up: New Music: Wiz Khalifa feat. Snoop Dogg – ‘No Social Media’

But oh well

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Social inclusionary media

Micro blogging, social media blogging are different notebooks to me different sites. So I'm going to do a brief insight on each style and and where I use them. Hopefully, if you use them right you won't get hurt and waste your time and become an influencer instead of thinking that you are the focus of attention. I want to be a world traveler and community builder. If too many people tell you to stop texting or emailing or they are going to hurt you how can we progress. So saying stop and sitting when you could follow a different path. So trailblaze get a grom, a foot scooter, electric bike and 3d printer and join me.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Niche Travel going mainstream

    Scooters are becoming the rage among youth once again. Use around the home and in the street takes them away from being seen as mobility vehicles. Foot tour vehicles, possibly. It's difficult to take a bike tour in a group without clogging traffic up en masse. Foot tour scooters can be used to save on the tread and of course is the gateway vehicle to the almighty hover board that everyone that has ever seen back to the future dreams about. So it could be seen as a mobility option which as a 3d printing blog this somehow branches into. Segways were supposed to revoloutionize transportation and design and as others wanted to know if it was a workhorse or niche budgets got balanced and inquiries were made. That is the point of this blog reflecting back on the amount of time that I have had it. If it changes a design philosophy then we should be able to get ahead of it quickly with 3d printing. If it doesn't then we lack that insight and should seek to gain it. We should all be seeking an ecofriendly option in our community to grow our close nit relationships so we have less obstacles as a whole.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lettermen advancement

    Many say that high school sports tie communities together. The drive and determination that parents have to see their kids or the kids next door succeed in competition against the neighboring town is sometimes the center of a communities outreach. It is usually youth centric activity. In my area I believe that we are looking for deeper bonds beyond these community after the game so to speak. If we are leaving the game on our cell phones and connected to our interconnected web then we are not yet reaching out we may be over reaching. By over reaching I mean reaching over our neighbors that used to be invited over after a vacation to see pictures or over for dinner for a better sense of community. The green space may be arduous on us physically and emotionally because we do not have our lettermen's jackets anymore but I believe this is the space that we can advance as a society.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Bike messengers and fixes within communities

    Neighborhood support of bike messengers could be augmented by location of 3d printers at entrances to them thereby the often ill gotten reputation of cyclists not caring about pedestrians could be debunked. If we continued to pursue these solutions the community gardens that are tying communities could be used to help bike messengers too. Any irrigation could be taken care of and we would be looking at a greener community less reliant on dirtying the air as a whole. More smiles more convenience and healthier lives would quickly lead to adopting new ideas and more neighborly advice.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Connecyed with recent blog post

Fast Company: Robots Might Take Your Job, But Here's Why You Shouldn't Worry.

Replacement delivery

Insight on replacement parts can make the difference between roughing it and fighting for office respect. We spit out and churn so many innovations now a days we do not know where our equipments life cycle ends and the next begins. Are we just patiently waiting for google cars to make our next delivery while we sit idle by waiting for respect or are we going from apprentice to master?

Friday, July 17, 2015

Cake toppers camping and such

    So I'm back from a hiatus and I promise I will take all inappropriate material down. But it's the middle of the summer when we try to turn fantasies into reality. It is also wedding season so cake toppers are around and not as custom as they should be right? Anyway enough about how everyone spends so much money on the best wedding pictures but keep their cake toppers on display and even some are handed down!

     3d systems recently contacted me and allowed me the opportunity to be able to hard crunch technical knowledge with the best of the best in the area. I am still just a rebounding blogger right with one... maybe one proud follower but if word gets around the world can change. So I am going to self an assignment 3d printing ideas for camping, I mentioned before it is in a survivalists nature to be self sufficient so what would we print in nature that could help us if we were camping. It's not naked and afraid or dating naked mind you but it should spur some thought and I will be back with my ideas later after all we just rounded pluto so why wouldn;t we keep our mind the stars.

   How do I even make these too divergent topics converge. Last year I was attempting to camp out near a job site i was inspecting and found that entire families of the guys I was managing were out at campgrounds and even were having weddings out there. There you have it all wrapped into one tight little bow. If campsite weddings do not have 3d printers who would?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Alternative means of transportation

   Bike messenger should have accesss to stations and residences in neighborhoods where ordinary couriers cannot access they usually have the pulse of the city including the timing for traffic lights and should be close contact with city planners and city engineers. With their timeliness and know how of traffic patterns instead of being a durge to motorists they would continue to let communities grow with their underground style and urgent swagger combine these with task rabbiters and any business man would have an effective service from the time that he hit the tarmac until he left again.

Double post to follow

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Design inspiration

So I'm watching a new vid called slugterra. It involves gunslingers that go around catching slug type environmental pokemon that cause environmental damage as well as go after other gunslingers. I know the basic types of pokemon so I found this very interesting. The design style of the animators was closer to Borderlands while the characters were crisp and clean. I use some sci fi cartoons to design now adays and this really hit a creative chord with me.

Yuki Fucks A Huge Black Cock And She Loves It - XNXX.COM

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

Variables of drivers and weigh stations

   We all know what a full weigh station but we don't feel like they are used enough. Mini-weigh stations and car repair they are difficult to put together correct the bumps and bruises on your cars suspension. Of course this could all be avoided by riding a train or car but we would rather avoid that altogether and keep our shiny things shiny. A car is an investment afterall and smart roads could breach a void currently left in grading bridges and making sure that others are preserved especially around historical sites. We could then predict what parts in our vehicles needed replacing with schematics and plans updated to our car computer as well as weather patterns that affect our driving could also be variables who is following you, where you drive and commute times over all. that we control

New Blog add on Hot Wheels of the week:

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Blog 4.15.

    I got to ride a on a e-bike with a range of 65 mph. The gear shift was interesting as it had a longer range than I had read before so I expected more bells and whistles. It was a smooth ride but I got no seat adjustment and it felt like the battery was overcharged. I would recieve it as a gift but it was overcharged I would recieve it as a gift but it as not practical enough for commuter use which is my main goal as I continue my research for any means of an alternative travel that saves time money and garners respect.


Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Out of state site visit

    I made it down to W.V. in pretty good time and made a pit stop at the relatives and headed up next to the New River Gorge Bridge to some cabins my uncle and his friend neil built down through 25 some odd years. There we discussed the complexities 3d printing vs. injection molding. Size limitations of 3d printing for the solutions we were looking for. I still of course believe that monetary savings we can make on  design processes would help offset the size limitations. So it was definitely enlightening discussion.   

   Construction work especially with small contractors needing scalibility need the correct materials for 3d printing. When you need material or time savings wouldn't you rather produce the objects on site and save the multiple runs to fill your supply chain than to bounce from one place and check their stock to another. Phone calls can solve alot but we cannot be two places at once. So we can readjust production cutting down on processes, time and money. 

Friday, January 2, 2015

3d new year

For 2015 the theme of the sustainability for Cleveland is transportation. So I will try once per month to move 3d printing and the sustainable future it provides in this direction. I hope to speak on this matter both authoritatively and innovative which are tricky balances to acquire. I do want to make it seem that I am so positive on something that there is no wiggle room or ways to increase the breadth of scope beyond what we deem as a satisfactory result. At the same time pontificacting on facts can lead to a loss of focus and priority and I do not want that either. So I will start with commentinting on a Ted Talk that I hope will lead credence to the industry and the intellect of my loyal readership.

   Let's begin with the Samsung Vr headset that uses the Samsung Note 4 to play movies and videos in a virtual space. For the sustainable transportation industry sensors and mockups including real time data could let maps and street views be replayable for a daily commute. Making the decision easier on what time to leave which path to take and which mode of transportation would fit you best. Cutting down on automobile maintenance, avoiding potholes and  increasing the comfort with public transportation and other alternative modes (i.e. cycling) We have information but until it is put in front of us we rely on our local weather person and helicopter pilots to give us our drive time commutes. I mean we all like Betsy Kling and our other local forecasters but we have to make these calls ourselves when it comes to those critical days on our schedule.

   The first Ted talk of 2015 of course will focus on 3d printing namely the connection between Makers and the art of smithing. Whether you are a cobbler or an iron smith your anvil or shoe horn did not consist of a 3d printer today it will. The main difference being that instead of descriptors and measurements you will now have scanning. The main question of the talk was not if 3d printing would be in our homes but how would it affect our lives. Wednesday I will briefly cover the Today show highlighting 3d printing.