Saturday, December 27, 2014

Exo interface

      I've decided to incorporate a new facet to my blog as I am not considered a noteworthy expert on applications of 3d printing yet I will try to introduce you to other experts in related fields. I am going to try to do this through Ted talks Hugh Herr is one of the foremost experts in the field of bionic limbs and robotic prosthetics that lost both legs in a climbing accident and discusses different facets of biomechanics including why humans have not been able to get the original mechanical extensions of ourselves (shoes) correct.

   Exoskeletons and augmented reality a represent a combined effort for monitoring remote operations. When I brought this idea up over the holidays I first had to explain what an exoskeleton is. In it's best application right now 3d printing can be used to make prosthetics look more life like while maintaining and augmenting their function. At it's best we have applications like in Aliens or where suits are used to make harsh conditions more liveable and perform work where others could not perform work or conditions are more dangerous. 3d printers would be the factories while humans with exoskeletons would do the work. Drones perform these duties now while but are not connected to humans these interfaces are what will drive innovation.

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