Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Niche Travel going mainstream

    Scooters are becoming the rage among youth once again. Use around the home and in the street takes them away from being seen as mobility vehicles. Foot tour vehicles, possibly. It's difficult to take a bike tour in a group without clogging traffic up en masse. Foot tour scooters can be used to save on the tread and of course is the gateway vehicle to the almighty hover board that everyone that has ever seen back to the future dreams about. So it could be seen as a mobility option which as a 3d printing blog this somehow branches into. Segways were supposed to revoloutionize transportation and design and as others wanted to know if it was a workhorse or niche budgets got balanced and inquiries were made. That is the point of this blog reflecting back on the amount of time that I have had it. If it changes a design philosophy then we should be able to get ahead of it quickly with 3d printing. If it doesn't then we lack that insight and should seek to gain it. We should all be seeking an ecofriendly option in our community to grow our close nit relationships so we have less obstacles as a whole.

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