Monday, January 27, 2014

And now we wait

     After CES there is usually a slow down as far as the news is concerned because the industry titans have met all their deadlines as far as technology is concerned. So we wait pontificate as an audience to this industry to see where it takes us next. Early adopters give their views and bugs and kinks are worked out. So is the life cycle of a burgeoning industry. Borders are redrawn and expansion or contraction begins again.

    The Smithsonian may aid in shortening this cycle as they are making their extensive library of 3d scans available to schools. This would allow history, literature and music (mainly the arts) Grow in a physical way to adaptive young minds. Jumping into museums and libraries on a permanent basis would lead to a strong foothold and change the landscape of libraries which could use some help as they transform from analog to digital.

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