Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A view through the polygon crystal ball

     Sometimes I admit I make wild predictions and to keep them from being so wild and give them direction I check in with them every so often. The latest update that I would like to give is to on the front of virtual reality. Along with my background as an engineer I am also a gamer. I have owned owned all of Sony's gaming consoles and they have usually managed to push the envelope with technology.Moving from CDs, DVDs, Blu-Rays as storage. Haptic feedback and interaction has also been a source of innovation and immersion into created and modeled worlds. At the game developers conference yesterday Sony revealed they were entering into the VR space with project Morpheus. It will not only be used for games but also for virtual tours and other business applications. Sony is no longer the maker of everything as it once was but this should provide a major boost to the industry.

  My wild prediction from before was that 3d printing and Virtual Reality go hand in hand. Both encourage digital interaction and immersion on different levels. Creativity also flourishes under these circumstances. The goals of both technology follow the same path. The goal is keeping cost, travel and resources at a minimum while increasing collaboration and productivity. How long will it take for the headset and 3d printer to become one in a creative capacity? I am not ready to hazard that guess just yet.

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