Friday, March 14, 2014

Cutting through red tape

    C-Span isn't always the highest rated show, let's be honest NPR is a more recognized point of reference these days. However, it does provide insight on the gears that grind in Congress to get laws passed and get past the rhetoric of the 24 hour news cycle. As a public we trust the proceedings become public record and reference down the line in future endeavors. I knew the hearing was taking place and found it on demand on C-Span. The hearing lasted roughly a half hour and of course broke down 3d printing to its basics. The proceedings moved on to manufacturers that pointed out the advantages 3d printing afforded them. These were advantages the tech media has covered in detail. Many connections were made through the small steps the government has already made in support in this arena. The presentations were to the House Committee of Small Business. However, the vice president of Stratysys was there and made comments that supported the continued interaction.

    Basically the goal was to make sure the government is helpful and not a hindrance to the burgeoning market. The point being that staying ahead of the curve means that lobbyists of other industries do not get the chance to put the kibosh on what is essentially a grass roots, maker community. The Maker Faire at the White House was mentioned and that is encouraging that this is still a go. In summation the communication to the lawmakers was to stay out of the way and let 3d printing grow and flourish. We will cross our fingers and see.

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