Friday, April 11, 2014

Kickstarter 3d-printing star

    The 3d-printing landscape change may be due to kickstarter. It is a micro 3d-printer with a goal of 50k in order to actualize the project. It accomplished its goal and then some as it raised 1 million dollars in one day. It shows interest outside of the established hand shake and vendor deals of companies that are publicly offered to investors. It is similar to a Makerbot except the size is the printing space is at 7.3 inches The weight is also easily managed at 2.2 lbs. making it portable. But one of the overlooked layman's design aspect that is not lost on machinists and engineers is the leveling aspect. As I mentioned before to the navy would love to incorporate 3d printers but it needs a dedicated space because the more delicate and intricate things the more controlled your environment needs to be. But you could also consider scaling down your controlled environment like the mainframes of old. Hopefully, this 3d printer is not so under powered as to render it like another kickstarter star the OUYA which intended to bring the console experience to users at a much more inexpensive format. It was also popular and then outdated by the rest of the industry in months as their innovations could not keep up with the R&D departments.

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