Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Remote abilities and scope

    Beginning at the beginning with grant writing will be a difficult undertaking. However I do find it will be similar to writing a proposal for construction. After my first submission I do believe with most things as a civil engineer it will take some iteration to find the proper scope and partner. Ideally, I would like to work with municipalities with a grant in my pocket to turn a trial basis to a larger scale.

Manufacturing remotely in non-ideal conditions is a strength of 3d-printing with remote monitoring, the ability to print it's own replacement parts and various other supply chain benefits. That is why the Navy and NASA both see the ability for 3-d printing to make their lives much easier. There are hurdles though as machine shops would need to be designed for a dynamic environment of a ship with pitch, roll and yaw. The army is already using 3d printers in combat and given the rivalry between the Armed Services where there is a will there is a way.

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