Monday, February 24, 2014

Biomimcry and a bright smile

    Turning plastic into organic materials crosses another scientific pursuit of mine. My other interest is bio mimicry I believe these will soon intersect. I believe this because abstract ideas are brought into reality using 3d printers. Then they are brought to the board room adjusted and iterated again. These prototypes are not used as final mock ups. We want them to be more than artistic statements. We desire something that fits our environment. The best designer with the most innovations is often nature. As a human race there are many parts of the planet that have not been explored and hold unknown secrets. We are still processing scenes before they disappear forever and would like to use them in our own design. That is not selfish it is advancement. That is why artists using 3d printers to turn plastic into organic like materials. Materials science and the physics that accompanies it could definitely improve artificial ideas with our own dose of reality.

  One such application is a tool that we as humans very much desire to keep with us as long as possible, our teeth. The better that we can mimic the best set of these and reproduce the best results, the longer that we can live a better more fulfilling and healthier life. That is why Stratysys has launched VeroGlaze which prints dental models with precise A2 color shade and can be used for crowns, bridge restorations and try-in veneers. Hopefully, this is the path that we can continue to head down for legitimacy.

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