Saturday, February 22, 2014

Can we see past the Snark

   I believe I stated before that with 3-d printing, momentum is key. Not just sustaining a presence in the public eye but staying in the public conscience as a viable option. When we are closing in on a generation that is used to communicating in 140 characters or less we cannot be satisfied with a buzz because it can quickly evaporate. Even technical achievements can quickly turn to overhype. My generation has seen  the tech bubble grow and burst and therefore often times approach sure bets with cynicism instead of optimism. So the goal should be to survive the snark.Only you motivate full scale adoption. As an engineer I am used to getting ideas shot down and saying back to the drawing board. That is one of the reasons 3d-printing reached out to my discipline first. We are not lawyers or doctors but we are still professionals. Often times we are the ones that provide tools for these fields. So will the engineering field provide a push to keep the momentum going past trivial obstacles to full scale adoption?

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