Thursday, September 18, 2014

New Akron

I found the seminar informative, exciting and beneficial. The seminar was led by a subsidiary of 3d systems. Steve Weatherford led us through PowerPoint presentations. Samples were passed around and a history of additive manufacturing was given. The room seemed to have a lot of scouts corporate wanted to see rapid prototyping effect on their immediate plans. Then the local flair kicked in where there will be a Weatherford/ 3d systems center in downtown Akron.So as you can imagine my eyes lit up. Immediately I was thinking that many of my capabilities and vision could come true next year. Late birthday present and very enlightening. Basically they came out of the gate saying they were going to embarrass the offerings of thinkbox at CSU and the additive manufacturing. So they are now looking for academic, startup and corporate connections in Akron. I'm not saying I'm super plugged in but hopefully I've positioned myself as a viable source.

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